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Top 40 Python for Data Science Interview Questions and Answers

Published On: December 23, 2024

Python is an essential skill required for a job as a data scientist, and data science is one of the most sought-after and pursued disciplines nowadays. We’ll cover every area to prepare you for the interview in this blog post with data science with Python interview questions and answers. Check out our data science with Python course syllabus before you get started. 

Data Science with Python Interview Questions for Freshers

1. What is Data Science?

Data science is an interdisciplinary area that draws knowledge and insights from both structured and unstructured data using scientific procedures, systems, algorithms, and methods. 

To tackle complicated issues, a combination of computer science, statistics, mathematics, and domain knowledge is used.

2. What are the key steps involved in a Data Science project?

The key steps in a data science project are:

  • Define the issue: Establish quantifiable goals for the project and comprehend the business objectives.
  • Data collection and preparation: Gather data, format it, eliminate duplicates, and fix any missing numbers to get it ready for analysis.
  • Exploratory data analysis (EDA): Create visuals, test theories, and comprehend the statistical properties of the data.
  • Feature engineering: To enhance model performance, add new features or modify current ones.
  • Statistical modeling: Make predictions and find relationships by using statistical models.
  • Data visualization: To display the data, make interactive visualizations, graphs, and charts.
  • Model evaluation: Assess a data model’s performance using evaluation measures including accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score.
  • Communicate the findings: Share the project’s outcomes with others.  

3. What are the different types of data?

  • Structured: Organized data in a predetermined format, such as databases or spreadsheets, is referred to as structured data.
  • Unstructured data is information that doesn’t follow a set format, such as text, pictures, audio, or video.
  • Semi-structured data (such as JSON or XML) has some structure but is not entirely ordered. 

4. What are some popular data preprocessing techniques?

  • Handling Missing Values: Managing Missing values can be deleted or imputed (mean, median, mode).
  • Outlier Detection and Treatment: Z-score, IQR, winsorization, and trimming are methods for identifying and treating outliers.
  • Data Transformation: Data transformation includes encoding (one-hot encoding, label encoding) and scaling (normalization, standardization).
  • Feature Selection: To enhance model performance, pick the most essential features. 

5. Which Python libraries are well-liked for data science?

  • NumPy: For array operations and numerical computation.
  • Pandas: For analyzing and manipulating data.
  • Matplotlib: For producing static, interactive, and animated graphics.
  • Seaborn: For advanced statistical visuals.
  • Scikit-learn: For machine learning algorithms.
  • PyTorch/TensorFlow: For deep learning. 

6. Explain the concept of overfitting and underfitting.

Overfitting: When a model does well on training data but poorly on unseen data, this is known as overfitting. This occurs when the training data contains noise and the model is overly complicated.

Underfitting: A model is said to be underfit when it exhibits poor performance on both training and unseen data. This occurs when the data’s underlying patterns are not captured by an overly simplistic model. 

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7. Which methods can be used to avoid overfitting?

  • Regularization: To deter complex models, include a penalty term in the model’s loss function (e.g., L1, L2 regularization).
  • Cross-validation: To obtain a more reliable assessment of the model’s performance, divide the data into several folds and train/test it on various subsets.
  • Early stopping: When the model’s performance on a validation set begins to deteriorate, cease training it.
  • Feature selection: To make the model simpler, cut down on the amount of features. 

8. What distinguishes supervised learning from unsupervised learning?

Supervised learning: Learning using labeled data, where the target variable is known, is known as supervised learning (e.g., regression, classification).

Unsupervised learning: Such as clustering or dimensionality reduction, is learning from unlabeled data in which the target variable is unknown. 

9. What distinguishes regression from classification?

  • Classification: Forecasts categorical results (e.g., customer churn or not churn, spam or not spam).
  • Regression: Forecasts continuous values, such as the price of a property or stock. 

10. What distinguishes a random forest from a decision tree?

  • Decision Tree: A model that resembles a single tree and bases judgments on a sequence of if-else statements.
  • Random Forest: An ensemble learning technique that reduces overfitting and increases accuracy by combining several decision trees. 

11. What is a confusion matrix used for?

By displaying the quantity of true positives, true negatives, false positives, and false negatives, a confusion matrix provides an overview of a classification model’s performance. 

12. What distinguishes F1-score from accuracy, precision, and recall?

Accuracy: The total percentage of accurate forecasts.

Precision: The percentage of all positive predictions that are actually positive.

Recall: The percentage of real positive occurrences that were accurate positive predictions.

F1-score: A balance between precision and recall, calculated as the harmonic mean of the two. 

13. What does cross-validation aim to achieve?

By splitting the data into several folds and training/evaluating the model on several subsets, it is possible to more precisely estimate the model’s performance on unseen data. 

14. What distinguishes hierarchical clustering from k-means clustering?

K-means: reduces the within-cluster sum of squares to divide the data into k clusters.

Hierarchical clustering: By repeatedly combining or dividing clusters according to distance, hierarchical clustering builds a hierarchy of clusters. 

15. What does dimensionality reduction aim to achieve?

To keep crucial information in a dataset while reducing the number of features. This can facilitate data visualization, shorten training times, and enhance model performance. 

16. In what ways does t-SNE differ from PCA?

  • Primary Component Analysis, or PCA, is a linear dimensionality reduction method used to identify the data’s primary components.
  • A non-linear dimensionality reduction method that emphasizes maintaining local structure in the data is called t-SNE (t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding)

17. What does feature engineering aim to achieve?

To enhance model performance by adding new features or changing current ones. This may entail extracting domain-specific knowledge, changing variables, and developing interaction terms. 

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18. What distinguishes a hyperparameter from a parameter?

Parameter: A parameter is a variable (such as weights and biases in a neural network) that is discovered from the data during the training phase.

Hyperparameter: A hyperparameter (such as the learning rate, the number of hidden layers, or the number of trees in a random forest) is a variable that is set before the start of the training process and governs the learning process. 

19. What is a neural network used for?

To simulate the composition and operations of the human brain in order to model intricate non-linear correlations in data. 

20. What distinguishes a recurrent neural network from a feedforward neural network?

  • Feedforward Neural Network: With a feedforward neural network, data moves from input to output in a single direction without creating cycles.
  • Recurrent Neural Network: Recurrent neural networks are able to “remember” previous inputs because information can flow in cycles. Because of this, they can be used with sequential data, such as time series and natural language. 

21. What is a convolutional neural network’s (CNN) function?

To use convolutional filters to extract features from visual data. CNNs are frequently employed in picture segmentation, object detection, and classification. 

22. What does natural language processing (NLP) aim to achieve?

To make it possible for computers to comprehend, decipher, and produce human language. Chatbots, machine translation, and sentiment analysis are among the tasks that employ natural language processing (NLP) approaches. 

23. What does text preprocessing aim to achieve?

To prepare unprocessed text data for NLP algorithms by cleaning and transforming it. Tasks like tokenization, stemming, lemmatization, and stop word removal may be part of this. 

24. What distinguishes lemmatization from stemming?

Stemming: Removes suffixes from words to reduce them to their basic form (e.g., “running” -> “run”).

Lemmatization: Words are reduced to their dictionary form (lemma) through lemmatization, which takes into account their grammatical context (e.g., “better” -> “good”). 

25. What does sentiment analysis aim to achieve?

To ascertain whether a text’s sentiment or emotional tone is neutral, negative, or positive. 

26. What is machine translation used for?

To translate text between languages automatically.

27. What is a recommendation system used for?

To offer users tailored suggestions based on their prior actions and inclinations.

28. What does anomaly detection aim to achieve?

To find odd trends or outliers in data that might point to fraud, mistakes, or other unforeseen circumstances. 

29. What does time series analysis aim to achieve?

To evaluate information gathered over time in order to identify trends, patterns, and forecast outcomes.

30. What does A/B testing aim to achieve?

To assess whether a version of a webpage, application, or other product performs better by comparing two or more iterations.

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31. What ethical issues are present in data science?

  • Security and privacy of data: preventing misuse and illegal access to user data.
  • Fairness and bias: Making sure algorithms don’t discriminate against particular demographics.
  • Transparency: Making algorithms and their decision-making procedures comprehensible is a key component of transparency and explainability.
  • Accountability: Ascertaining who has responsibility for the results of decisions based on data. 

32. What distinguishes a data warehouse from a database?

Database: Usually used for daily operations, a database is an orderly collection of data.

Data warehouse: An integrated collection of data from multiple sources that is utilized for decision-making and business intelligence. 

33. Explain the difference between a list and a tuple in Python.

The primary distinction between lists and tuples in Python is that the former are mutable, which allows their contents to be altered, and the latter are immutable, which prevents such changes:

Other distinctions between lists and tuples are as follows:

  • Syntax: Round brackets or parentheses are used to represent tuples, whereas square brackets are used to represent lists.
  • Memory efficiency: Compared to lists, tuples use less memory.
  • Speed: When looking up values, tuples are quicker than lists.
  • Size: Tuples have a fixed length, whereas lists have a dynamic length.  
  • Use cases: Data that requires frequent changes is stored in lists, whereas data that does not require frequent changes is stored in tuples.
  • Methods: A wider variety of techniques, including adding, inserting, and removing elements, are supported by lists. You can access information, such as the length or index of a particular element, using tuples’ basic operations.
  • Dictionary keys and set keys: Lists cannot be used as dictionary keys, but tuples may. Lists cannot be used as elements in sets, although tuples may. 

34. Describe how you would implement a stack and a queue using Python data structures.

A LIFO Queue, which is essentially a stack, is another feature of the Queue module. The put() function adds data to the queue, and the get() function removes data from the queue. 

This module offers the following functions: maxsize: The maximum number of items that can be in the queue.

35. What is the time and space complexity of sorting algorithms like bubble sort, merge sort, and quick sort?

Sorting algorithms such as bubble sort, merge sort, and rapid sort have the following time and space complexity:

  • Bubble sort: O(1) is the space complexity and O(N^2) is the time complexity. Bubble sort is a comparison-based method that establishes the order of the data set’s elements using a comparison operator. For huge data sets, it is slow.
  • Merge sort: O(N log N) is the time complexity, and O(N) is the space complexity. The divide and conquer strategy is used in merge sort. An auxiliary array is needed to temporarily hold the combined array when two arrays are merged.
  • Quick sort: O(N log N) is the time complexity, and O(N) is the space complexity. Sorting or reversing the array results in the worst possible temporal complexity.  

36. How would a Pandas DataFrame handle missing values?

After these steps, we deal with missing data. Here’s a general notion, but we’ll go over each step in further detail:

  • First, we import the required packages.
  • The dataset is read using the read_csv() function.
  • The dataset is printed. Additionally, we look for any records with missing data or NaN values.
  • We use the dropna() method on the dataset. This process is used to remove the records that have missing values. We additionally pass the option in place to be True in order to delete the items and update the new dataset in the same variable.
  • The dataset is printed. Missing values are no longer present in any entries.

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Python Coding Questions for Data Science

37. Explain how to filter and select data from a Pandas DataFrame based on conditions.

Selecting Rows using Pandas DataFrame:

Using the simple method, choose every row from the provided DataFrame where “Age” equals 21 and “Stream” appears in the choices list.

Example Code: 

# importing pandas

import pandas as pd

record = {

  ‘Name’: [‘Ankit’, ‘Amit’, ‘Aishwarya’, ‘Priyanka’, ‘Priya’, ‘Shaurya’ ],

  ‘Age’: [21, 19, 20, 18, 17, 21],

  ‘Stream’: [‘Math’, ‘Commerce’, ‘Science’, ‘Math’, ‘Math’, ‘Science’],

  ‘Percentage’: [88, 92, 95, 70, 65, 78]}

# create a dataframe

dataframe = pd.DataFrame(record, columns = [‘Name’, ‘Age’, ‘Stream’, ‘Percentage’])

print(“Given Dataframe :\n”, dataframe) 

options = [‘Math’, ‘Science’]

# selecting rows based on condition

rslt_df = dataframe[(dataframe[‘Age’] == 21) &


print(‘\nResult dataframe :\n’, rslt_df)

Boolean indexing, in which the condition is specified directly inside the indexing operator [], can be used to pick rows in a Pandas DataFrame based on a condition. This is a popular and highly effective method for data filtering.

import pandas as pd

# Sample DataFrame

df = pd.DataFrame({

    ‘Name’: [‘Alice’, ‘Bob’, ‘Charlie’, ‘David’, ‘Eve’],

    ‘Age’: [24, 27, 22, 32, 29]


# Select rows where Age is greater than 25

filtered_df = df[df[‘Age’] > 25]


Logical operators such as & (and), | (or), and ~ (not) can be used to filter rows by combining numerous conditions. Be sure to enclose each requirement in parenthesis.


# Choose rows where Name begins with ‘B’ and Age exceeds 25. filtered_df = df[(df[‘Age’] > 25) & (df[‘Name’).str.beginningwith(‘B’))]


38. In Pandas, how would you organize data and carry out aggregations (such as sum, mean, and count)?

Using the groupby() method, you can divide data into groups and then apply functions to those groups in order to group data and carry out aggregations in Pandas:

  • Splitting: Utilizing one or more columns, divide the data into groups.
  • Applying: Use procedures like count(), mean(), and sum() on each group.
  • Combining: Construct a new DataFrame or Series by combining the findings. 

Here are a few instances of the groupby() method in action:

  • Sort by column and figure out the total: The formula df.groupby([‘Courses’]).sum() can be used to group data by the Courses column and determine the sum for all numeric columns.
  • Sort by column and determine the total for a certain column: The formula df.groupby(‘Courses’)[‘Fee’].sum() can be used to group data by the Courses column and determine the sum for the Fee column.
  • Sort by sex and determine the average height: Using the syntax df_sample.groupby(‘Gender’).mean(), you may group data by gender and determine the average height.  

39. Explain the procedures needed to clean a dataset from the real world.

Although the methods for data cleansing may differ depending on the kinds of data your business keeps, you can utilize these simple steps to create a framework for your company.

Step 1: Eliminate redundant or superfluous observations.

Step 2: Correct any structural flaws.

Step 3: Remove undesirable outliers.

Step 4: Deal with lacking information.

Step 5: QA and Validation.

40. Describe feature scaling and its significance for machine learning.

A statistical preprocessing technique used in system analysis is feature scaling, which modifies the values of the functions (variables) in your dataset to make them more comparable. 

This approach is crucial since many device learning algorithms perform better or converge more quickly when the dataset’s numerical capabilities are fairly equivalent in size. 

Capabilities with higher degrees may potentially dominate the learning process in the absence of function scaling, leading to less than ideal model performance overall.

  • It improves the performance of algorithms.
  • It accelerates convergence of optimization algorithms.
  • It ensures features interoperability in regularization models. 
  • It enhances model accuracy.
  • It improves model training.
  • It facilitates feature comparisons.

41. When Should Feature Scaling Be Used?

Before Training: Prior to becoming the model, always scale your training statistics. This guarantees that the information is accurately learned by the version.

Before cross-checking: Make sure the scaling parameters are most effectively generated from the education set while applying scaling to prevent information leaking.

Consistently: To ensure uniformity and prevent bias, use the same scaling for every educational institution and examine the documentation.

42. How would a machine learning model handle categorical variables?

There are several ways to deal with categorical variables in a machine learning model, such as:

Label encoding: Gives every category a distinct integer. Because the order of the categories is maintained, this approach works well for ordinal variables.

Target encoding: Depending on how it relates to the target variable, target encoding substitutes a single numerical variable for the categorical variable.

Ordinal encoding: The classes are represented by a single column of numbers.

Binary encoding: It divides the binary digits into distinct columns and transforms each category into its binary representation. This technique works well with big datasets and is more compact than one-hot encoding.  

Frequency encoding: It substitutes the frequencies of occurrence for classifications. By dividing the count by the total number of instances of each category, this approach normalizes the count.

One-hot coding: Binary columns are created for every category using one-hot encoding.

Dummy encoding: This technique converts the categorical variable into a collection of binary variables, much as one-hot encoding.  


We hope these Python questions for data science interview will be helpful for you to attend the interview in top companies. Master in data science through our data science with Python training in Chennai.

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