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Top 40 MongoDB Interview Questions and Answers

Published On: January 28, 2025

Proficiency in writing and optimizing MongoDB queries is one of the sought-after skills in the IT industry. As the demand is high due to various factors like increased adoption, growing data volumes, cloud computing, and modern app development, we provide here the top 40 MongoDB interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced professionals. Review our MongoDB course syllabus, if you are new to this NoSQL database.

Interview Questions on MongoDB for Freshers

Here are the basic MongoDB interview questions and answers for freshers:

1. What is MongoDB and how does it differ from traditional relational databases (RDBMS)?

In contrast to RDBMS like MySQL, which store data in structured tables with predefined schemas and require strict data organization using rows and columns, MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database that stores data in flexible JSON-like documents, allowing for a schema-less design. 

This makes MongoDB ideal for situations where flexibility is essential and data structure may change frequently.

2. In what ways do indexes enhance MongoDB query performance?

By lowering the volume of data that query operations must analyze, indexes increase the performance of read operations. This streamlines the effort involved in completing queries in MongoDB.

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3. List the use cases of RDBMS and MongoDB.

  • Use cases for MongoDB include applications with dynamic data structures, large-scale web apps that need to be very scalable, and semi-structured or unstructured data.
  • RDBMS should be used for applications with stringent data integrity requirements and intricate data linkages, conditions in which strict adherence to ACID is required, and applications with data structures that are well specified.

4. What are the key differences between MongoDB and RDBMS?

The following are the key differences between MongoDB and RDBMS:

Data ModelRDBMS employs a relational model with tables comprising rows and columns with specified data types.MongoDB uses a document model (similar to JSON) where each document may have several fields.
Schema DesignRDBMS has a specified schema with strong data associations.MongoDB is schema-less, meaning you don’t have to specify a rigid data structure up front.
Query LanguageRDBMSs access and modify data using Structured Query Language (SQL).MongoDB employs a document-based query language.
ScalabilityRDBMS usually scales vertically by increasing the power of a single server.MongoDB excels at horizontal scaling by distributing data over numerous servers, making it appropriate for huge datasets and heavy traffic applications.

5. Explain the concept of a document in MongoDB. What are some common data types used in documents?

In MongoDB, a document is a record that contains metadata and details about an object. The fundamental data unit in MongoDB is a document.

MongoDB documents are made up of,

  • Field-value pairs make up documents.
  • The fields resemble relational database columns.
  • Numerous types of values, such as strings, numbers, dates, arrays, or objects, are possible.
  • Additionally, papers may contain arrays, other documents, and arrays of documents. 

6. What are the advantages of using MongoDB?

Compared to conventional relational databases, MongoDB has numerous advantages.

  • Complete cloud-based platform for developer data.
  • Adaptable document schemas.
  • Code-native and widely supported data access.
  • Flexible design.
  • Strong analytics and querying.
  • Simple sharding-based horizontal scale-out.
  • Easy to install.
  • Economical.

7. Describe the MongoDB concept of a collection. What connection does it have to relational database tables?

  • A MongoDB database stores its data as collections rather than tables. 
  • One or more BSON documents are contained in a collection. 
  • Records or rows in a relational database table are comparable to documents. 
  • Every document contains one or more fields, which are comparable to a relational database table’s columns. 

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8. What is a NoSQL database, and how does MongoDB fit into this category?

MongoDB is a well-known example of a NoSQL database that uses a document-oriented data model, storing data in JSON-like documents, making it well-suited for handling complex and quickly changing data structures. 

NoSQL or “Not Only SQL” databases do not rely on the traditional relational structure of tables and rows used in SQL databases, allowing for more flexible data storage and querying.

9. How to create a database schema in MongoDB?

Use * in place of the collection or view name (i.e. . * ) to create schemas for every collection in a database. creates schemas for every collection and view in the current database if it is left out. indicates how many documents will be used as a sample for building the schema.

10. In MongoDB, when is it better to use references or embedded documents?

Essentially, MongoDB prioritizes performance for frequently accessed data with embedding and data management flexibility with referencing. 

Embedded documents are used when related data is frequently accessed together and forms a clear hierarchy, while references are used when data is likely to grow independently, is updated frequently on its own, or has complex relationships requiring flexible querying.  

11. How may denormalization be used in MongoDB, and what does it mean?

Rather than normalizing across several documents and collections, a denormalized data model with embedded data aggregates all relevant data in a single document. 

Unlike a normalized model where operations impact numerous documents, this data model permits atomic operations. 

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12. How are many-to-many relationships handled by MongoDB?

Unlike standard SQL databases, MongoDB requires a different way of thinking when handling many-to-many relationships. You can manage relationships between collections in a scalable and effective way by using a de-normalized method and embedding pertinent data.

13. When the age field in a document has more than thirty, how do you query for it?

A variety of data types can be utilized with the $gt operator. To discover documents where a numeric field is greater than a specific value, for instance: Documents from the “collection” where the “age” field contains more than 30 are retrieved by this query.

14. Describe how MongoDB’s aggregation mechanism is used.

Through a series of steps known as a pipeline, the aggregation framework in MongoDB is a potent tool that allows users to perform complex data transformations and analysis on collections of documents. 

Each step can filter, sort, group, reshape, and modify the data to produce a final aggregated result that offers deep insights into the data without requiring the retrieval of each document separately.

15. Describe the concept of embedded documents and how they can enhance the speed of data retrieval.

The term “embedded document” refers to a document that is stored inside another document, effectively nesting related data into a single record. 

This greatly speeds up data retrieval by removing the need for multiple database lookups and joins that would be necessary when separate documents reference each other. 

This is especially useful when frequently accessed data is stored together within a single document.  

16. What are the key features of aggregation framework and where it will be used?

Important features of aggregation framework are:

  • Pipeline-based processing.
  • Variety of stages.
  • Flexibility for complex queries.
  • Performance optimization.

Aggregation framework will be employed in calculating sales metrics, analyzing user behaviour, data enrichment, and generating custom reports.

17. What are the important things to consider when choosing between embedding and referencing?

When deciding between referring and embedding, keep the following considerations in mind:

  • Access Patterns: Embedding is more effective if you frequently need to obtain related data in a single query.
  • Data Growth and Size: Referencing aids in controlling document size when a connected data set is anticipated to grow in size.
  • Update Frequency: Embedding works well for atomic updates, which include changing related data all at once.
  • Schema Complexity: While referencing is advantageous for complicated relationships, embedding works best for simple, hierarchical data structures.

18. Describe how views are used in MongoDB.

An aggregate pipeline on other collections or views defines the contents of a MongoDB view, which is a queryable object. The contents of the view are not saved to disk by MongoDB. 

When a client queries a view, the content of the view is calculated on-demand. Clients may need permission to query the view in order to use MongoDB.

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19.Describe how projection is used in MongoDB queries. How may query performance be improved with it?

Forecast: To reduce processing burden and data transfer, use projection to restrict the fields that your queries return. If _id is not an application-related field, that is, a field that MongoDB automatically generates, it is preferable to omit it with 0 (false).

20. What are the different types of MongoDB indexes?

Primary, Secondary, Clustering, and Multivalued Indexing are the four categories of indexing. There are two categories of primary indexing: sparse and dense.

  • Primary Indexing: This kind of clustered indexing uses the database table’s primary key to generate the index and sorts the data based on the search key.
  • Secondary or Non-Clustered Indexing: A non-clustered index merely provides us with the location of the data, that is, a list of virtual references or pointers to the real data storage place.
  • Clustered Indexing: Clustered indexing is the term used to describe the practice of storing more than two records in a single file.
  • Multilevel Indexing: Indexes expand in tandem with the database’s size. A single-level index may grow too big to store with numerous disk requests because it is kept in main memory.

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Interview Questions on MongoDB for Experienced

Here are the important MongoDB advanced interview questions and answers.

1. What are the key points of NoSQL and MongoDB?

The key points of NoSQL and MongoDB are:

  • Flexible Schema: NoSQL databases, such as MongoDB, enable dynamic data structures where each document can contain several fields, making them flexible enough to accommodate changing data requirements in contrast to relational databases with rigid schemas.
  • Document-Oriented: MongoDB provides a more organic means of representing intricate relationships between data points by storing information in documents, which are basically key-value pairs with the potential to contain nested data.
  • Scalability: NoSQL databases, such as MongoDB, are perfect for managing massive amounts of data because they are made to scale horizontally by dividing data among several servers.
  • Use Cases: Applications needing real-time data processing, content management systems, flexible data models, and large-scale online applications frequently employ MongoDB.

2. What are the key features of embedded documents?

The key features of embedded documents are:

Data locality: You can minimize database round trips and enhance performance by retrieving all necessary information in a single transaction by putting related data within the same page.

Decreased complexity: By explicitly reflecting hierarchical relationships within the database structure, embedded documents streamline data modeling and improve the intuitiveness of searches.

Denormalization: When data is regularly accessed simultaneously, embedding frequently entails some degree of denormalization, where some data is replicated to maximize read operations. 

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3. In MongoDB, what is a replica set and how does it guarantee data availability?

In MongoDB, a replica set is a collection of MongoDB instances that share the same data set, thereby generating multiple copies of the data across various servers. 

This guarantees data availability by enabling the system to function even in the event of a server failure, since other replicas can take over and fulfill requests. 

This is accomplished through a process known as replication, in which changes to the data are propagated across all nodes in the set.  

The below are key features of replica sets:

  • Redundancy: A replica set’s main purpose is to create several copies of the data on other servers in order to offer redundancy.  
  • High availability: By keeping numerous copies of the data, the database can maintain high availability even in the event that one server fails.

4. Explain the roles of primary, secondary, and arbiters in a replica set.

Roles of Primary: All write operations are accepted by the primary. in charge of maintaining data consistency throughout the replica set. It is regarded as the replica set’s “master” node.

Roles of Secondary: It confirms the primary node’s data. It is mostly employed for reading activities. It can take over as the primary in the event that the current one fails.

Roles of Arbiter: No data is stored. It takes part in elections just to vote in the event of a tie. It is used, particularly when there are an even number of voting members, to guarantee that a majority of votes are always available when electing a new primary. 

5. What is sharding in MongoDB, and how does it improve scalability?

Sharding, a technique in MongoDB, divides the workload among several machines to effectively manage massive data sets. 

This allows for horizontal scaling by adding more nodes to the system, improving scalability by handling large data volumes and high throughput operations without being constrained by the capacity of a single server.  

Key Features of Sharding in MongoDB:

  • Horizontal scaling.
  • Shard key.
  • Improved performance.
  • Managing large datasets.

6. In a sharded cluster, how are shards dispersed among many servers?

This process is typically managed by a sharding algorithm such as hashing or range partitioning, which ensures each shard receives roughly equal amounts of data. 

In a sharded cluster, data is distributed across various servers (shards) based on a chosen “shard key”, a specific field within the data, allowing the system to determine which shard should hold a particular piece of data. 

This effectively splits the data across multiple servers and distributes the workload evenly. It has various important features like shard key selection, hashing algorithm, range partitioning, and balancer mechanism.

7. Write a MongoDB query to update the “name” field of a specific document.





     upsert: <boolean>,

     multi: <boolean>,

     writeConcern: <document>,

     collation: <document>,

     arrayFilters: [ <filterdocument1>, … ],

     hint:  <document|string>,

     let: <document> // Added in MongoDB 5.0



8. How do you monitor the performance of a MongoDB database?

A MongoDB database’s performance can be tracked using built-in tools like mongostat, mongotop, dbStats, and serverStatus commands. 

  • These tools provide real-time insights into database activity, including metrics like memory usage, query execution time, connection counts, and replication lag. 
  • These metrics can be used to identify potential bottlenecks and optimize your database performance. 
  • For more thorough analysis and alerting capabilities, you can also use dedicated monitoring tools like Datadog or SolarWinds Database Performance Monitor.

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9. How can a MongoDB database be backed up and restored?

The “mongorestore” command imports the backup data back into your MongoDB instance, enabling you to selectively backup particular databases or collections within your database as needed. 

The “mongodump” command is the primary tool for backing up a MongoDB database, creating a binary export of its contents.  

Key points about MongoDB backup and restore:

Backup command: mongodump

Restore command: mongorestore 

How a backup is done:

  • Basic Backup: Run the following to create a local computer backup of the complete database: Mongodump
  • Backup Specific Database: Use the following command to backup a specific database called “myDatabase”: mongodump -d MyDatabase
  • Backup-Specific Collection: Run mongodump -d myDatabase -c users to backup just the “users” collection from the “myDatabase” database. 

How to carry out a restore:

  • Restore the entire database: Run the following to restore a full database backup: Mongorestore
  • Restore a particular database: Run mongorestore -d myDatabase to restore the “myDatabase” database.

10. How is data security in MongoDB ensured?

Enabling strong authentication with user roles, putting role-based access control (RBAC) into place, encrypting data both in transit and at rest, using network firewalls to limit access, applying security updates on a regular basis, keeping an eye on database activity through auditing and logs, and connecting to your database only with official MongoDB packages are all important practices to ensure data security in MongoDB.  

Key features of MongoDB data security:

  • Authentication and access control: Make distinct user accounts with secure passwords for every process or program that accesses the database.
    • Limit access to only the data that is required by using RBAC to set granular permissions based on user roles.
  • Encryption: Use MongoDB’s built-in encryption tools to protect data while it’s at rest, especially sensitive data.
    • For safe connection between apps and the database, think about utilizing TLS/SSL to encrypt data while it’s in transit. 
  • Network security: Set up firewall rules so that only approved IP addresses and ports can access MongoDB instances.
    • Run MongoDB on a network that is secure and appropriately isolated from other systems. 
  • Auditing and monitoring: Turn on thorough logging to monitor database operations, user behavior, and possible security threats.
    • Examine audit logs on a regular basis to spot questionable activity and any security risks.
  • Patch management: To fix vulnerabilities in MongoDB versions, apply security patches and upgrades as soon as possible. 

11. Describe the MongoDB journaling concept and explain how it works.

In MongoDB, journaling is a write-ahead logging (WAL) mechanism that logs database modifications prior to their being written to the data files. In the case of a system failure or power loss, this procedure helps guarantee that data is preserved.  

The process of journaling in MongoDB:

  • Private view: In the private view, journal files are updated.
  • Shared view: Modifications are made to the shared view’s data files.
  • Journal commit interval: The private view writes the modifications to the disk’s journal directory after a predetermined amount of time.
  • Recovery: MongoDB can recover from the most recent checkpoint in the event that it crashes or encounters an issue.

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12. How do you troubleshoot common MongoDB issues?

Checking the MongoDB logs for error messages is the first step in troubleshooting common MongoDB issues. 

Next, you should monitor server health metrics like CPU, memory, and disk usage, verify connection details, check authentication, examine query performance, and, if needed, review your database schema design for optimization opportunities. 

For more complicated issues, you might want to use tools like the MongoDB profiler to pinpoint specific query bottlenecks.  

Typical MongoDB issues and possible fixes:

  • “Connection refused”: Verify that the MongoDB server is up and running on the appropriate port.
  • “Authentication failed”: Check the authentication method, password, and username.
  • “Timeout”: Examine the performance of the query, look for network delay, and think about raising the connection timeout parameters.
  • “Disk full”: Reduce the size of the database by erasing outdated information, condensing collections, or changing storage preferences.
  • “Invalid operation”: Verify your data types and query syntax again.  

13. What distinguishes normal collections in MongoDB from capped collections?

As their effective insertion and retrieval based on insertion order, capped collections are mainly used in scenarios where you need to maintain a specific recent data window, such as logging or time series data. 

In MongoDB, a capped collection is a fixed-size collection that stores data in a circular buffer-like manner, meaning that when the collection reaches its maximum size, new documents overwrite the oldest ones. 

In contrast, a regular collection can grow indefinitely, allowing for the storage of an infinite number of documents without automatically deleting old ones.  

14. What are transactions in MongoDB, and how are they used?

It ensures data consistency by ensuring atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID) across multiple document updates within a single operation. 

This is particularly helpful when modifying related data across different collections within a database; in other words, it enables you to perform complex operations on multiple documents without risking partial updates in the event of errors. 

In MongoDB, a transaction is a group of database operations that are treated as a single unit, meaning they either all succeed together or all fail together.

Some of the key features of MongoDB transactions are ACID compliance, multi-document operations, and session-based.

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15. How can you use MongoDB with other technologies like Node.js, Python, and Java?

Installing the appropriate MongoDB driver for each language is necessary in order to use MongoDB with technologies such as Node.js, Python, and Java. 

This enables your application to connect to a MongoDB database and carry out tasks like creating, reading, updating, and deleting data by utilizing the functions that the driver provides. 

The driver essentially serves as a bridge between your application and the database by creating a connection string with your MongoDB cluster details and then using the driver’s methods to interact with the data stored in MongoDB as documents that resemble JSON.  


  • Driver: Use npm to access the “mongodb” package.
  • Benefit: Easy data manipulation because JSON is the native data format used by both Node.js and MongoDB, allowing for seamless integration. 


  • Driver: Use pip to access the “pymongo” package.
  • Important features: db.collection and MongoClient for connection.To obtain data, use find() on db.collection.To enter documents, use insert_one(). 


  • Driver: Use the “mongodb-driver” library
  • Crucial elements: It includes managing asynchronous activities with the driver and correctly configuring the connection string. 

16. Which best practices apply to the creation and upkeep of MongoDB databases?

Best practices for building and maintaining a MongoDB database include: 

  • Using sharding for large datasets.
  • Implementing replication for data redundancy.
  • Optimizing queries with proper schema design.
  • Using indexes for quick data retrieval.
  • Regularly monitoring performance.
  • Ensuring robust security with authentication and access controls, 

All while taking into account the workload demands and unique data access patterns of your application.

17. Explain the internal architecture of MongoDB.

The MongoDB architecture is a NoSQL database that uses collections and documents rather than tables and rows like relational databases do. 

Key-value pairs, MongoDB’s fundamental data unit, make up documents. Document sets are contained in collections, which are SQL tables’ counterparts. 

18. What is MongoDB’s approach to write concerns?

As MongoDB’s default write concern is to always acknowledge all writes, it must always return an acknowledgement (in the form of a document) following each write to indicate that the write was successful.

19. Explain the concept of oplog in MongoDB.

In MongoDB, a “oplog” (short for “operation log”) is a unique capped collection that serves as a continuously rolling record of all data modification operations (inserts, updates, and deletes) carried out on a replica set’s primary node. 

By reading and applying these operation logs, secondary nodes can maintain data consistency throughout the cluster, effectively serving as the database’s change log.

20. What are the key features of oplog in MongoDB?

Important features about oplog are:

  • Capped Collection: Older entries are automatically erased when the collection reaches its limit since the oplog is kept in a capped collection, which has a set capacity.
  • Replication Mechanism: The primary node logs write operations in the oplog whenever they take place. In order to maintain synchronization, secondary nodes thereafter read these oplog entries on a regular basis and apply them to their local databases.
  • Idempotent Processes: Every operation that is documented in the oplog is idempotent, which means that it can be used repeatedly without altering the state of the data.
  • Accessing the oplog: To examine recent data changes or create unique data replication pipelines, you can directly query the oplog collection.  

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Knowing how to use MongoDB is quite beneficial in the data-driven world of today. Professionals with knowledge of this NoSQL database are in high demand and will only increase in number. Gaining a solid grasp of MongoDB administration, query language, principles, and best practices will help you advance your career and make a valuable contribution to contemporary data-centric projects. We hope these top 40 MongoDB interview questions and answers will be helpful. Hone your skills with our MongoDB training in Chennai.

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