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Top 40 MATLAB Interview Questions and Answers

Published On: January 28, 2025

The demand for MATLAB professionals remains strong and consistent because of its wide range of uses for various sectors like engineering, science, finance, and data science. MATLAB offers a powerful environment for data analysis, data visualization, mathematical computing, control systems, image and signal processing, and so on. Enhance the key skills through this blog that contains top 40 MATLAB interview questions and answers. Shape your career by exploring what our MATLAB course syllabus has in store for you.

MATLAB Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

Here are the MATLAB basic questions and answers for freshers.

1. What is MATLAB?

The acronym MATLAB represents “Matrix Laboratory.” It is an interactive environment and high-level programming language for developing algorithms, visualizing data, and computing numbers.

2. What are the key features of MATLAB?

The key features of MATLAB:

Matrix-based: It is made to do matrix operations efficiently.

High-level language: Simple syntax to facilitate quick prototyping.

Extensive libraries: built-in features for a number of fields (such as signal processing, image processing, and mathematics).

Visualization tools: Strong visualization and plotting tools.

Simulink: A graphical tool for modeling and simulating dynamic systems is called Simulink.

3. How do you plot a graph in MATLAB?

We can plot a graph using the plot() function. 


x = 0:0.1:10; 

y = sin(x);

plot(x, y);

4. What is the difference between a script and a function in MATLAB?

Script: It is a series of instructions carried out sequentially. No output or input parameters. Any code other than a class specification can be found in a script file, which is a regular MATLAB file. Take a look at the example that generates and shows a magic square.

% MATLAB Code 

mag = magic(5); 


Function: A reusable code block that has an output and input arguments. contains the logic for particular tasks. A locally declared function can be found in a script file, as demonstrated in the preceding section. A function in MATLAB is typically defined more generally by defining it in the designated file. The following requirements must be met by a file containing a function:

  • Each file may only contain one parent function.
  • The function name and the file name must match.


% MATLAB code for  

% function 

function y=sla 



5. How do you create a matrix in MATLAB?

Code to create a matrix in MATLAB:

A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9]; % Using square brackets

B = zeros(3, 3); % Creating a matrix of zeros

C = ones(2, 4); % Creating a matrix of ones

6. What are some common matrix operations in MATLAB?

The most common matrix operations in MATLAB:

  • Addition, subtraction, multiplication
  • Transpose (.’)
  • Inverse (inv())
  • Eigenvalue decomposition (eig())
  • Singular Value Decomposition (svd())

7. How do you solve a system of linear equations in MATLAB?

We can solve a system of linear equations in MATLAB using the \ (backslash) operator.

A = [1 2; 3 4];

b = [5; 6];

x = A \ b; 

8. What are cell arrays in MATLAB?

Data structures that let each cell to store a variety of data types, including strings, numbers, and other arrays. Any kind of data can be stored in a cell array, which is a data type having indexed data containers called cells. Lists of text, text-number combinations, or numeric arrays of various widths are frequently found in cell arrays. 

9. What is the MATLAB loop used for?

It repeats a code block a predetermined number of times. Until a condition is satisfied or a predetermined number of iterations have been finished, a sequence of commands is repeated using loops. To address looping needs, MATLAB offers a variety of loop types, such as while loops.

10. What does MATLAB’s if statement accomplish?

It only runs a section of code when a specific condition is met. When an expression is true, the if expression, statements, and end evaluate it and run a set of statements. When an expression yields a nonempty result with only nonzero elements (logical or real numeric), it is considered true. If not, the statement is untrue. It is not required to use the elseif and else blocks. 

11. How do you read a text file in MATLAB?

We can read a text file in MATLAB using the fopen(), fscanf(), and fclose() functions.

fileID = fopen(‘data.txt’, ‘r’); 

data = fscanf(fileID, ‘%f’); 


12. How do you create a GUI in MATLAB?

We can create a GUI in MATLAB using the GUIDE() function. Guide is the short form of Graphical User Interface Development Environment.

13. What is Simulink?

Simulink is a graphical programming environment for modeling, simulating, and analyzing dynamic systems using block diagrams. It is utilized in automatic control and digital signal processing and is a component of MATLAB.  

14. What can Simulink do?

The below will be done by Simulink:

  • Model Systems: Analog, digital, and mixed signal systems are just a few of the many systems that Simulink can represent.
  • Simulate Systems: Simulink is capable of simulating the behavior of systems.
  • Analyze Systems: Simulink is capable of system analysis, including algorithm performance.
  • Generate Code: Simulink is capable of producing code for testing and prototyping.
  • Test Systems: Simulink has the ability to automatically and continuously test systems.
  • Verify Systems: Simulink has the ability to automatically and constantly verify systems. 

15. How does Simulink work?

  • For the purpose of representing mathematical models, users choose blocks and connect them.
  • Signals are sent via lines from the output terminal of one block to the input terminal of another.
  • Users can export simulation results to MATLAB and integrate MATLAB algorithms into models. 

16. What are some uses for Simulink? 

Creating components that are related, evaluating the performance of algorithms, creating code for testing and prototyping, and deploying to an embedded system.

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17. What are some common data types in MATLAB?

Some of the common data types in MATLAB are:

  • double (double-precision floating-point)
  • single (single-precision floating-point)
  • int8, int16, int32, int64 (integer types)
  • uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64 (unsigned integer types)
  • char (character)
  • logical (true/false)

18. How do you handle errors and exceptions in MATLAB?

In MATLAB errors and exceptions will be handled using the try…catch blocks.

19. What is the purpose of the clear command in MATLAB?

The purpose of the clear command in MATLAB is to remove variables from workspace.

How do you add comments to MATLAB code?

We can add comments to MATLAB code using the % symbol.

20. What is the purpose of the help command in MATLAB?

The purpose of the help command in MATLAB is to provide information about MATLAB functions and commands.

21. How do you profile MATLAB code to identify performance bottlenecks?

We can profile MATLAB code to identify performance bottlenecks using the profile function.

22. What are some common toolboxes available in MATLAB?

Some of the common toolboxes that available in MATLAB are:

  • Image Processing Toolbox
  • Signal Processing Toolbox
  • Control System Toolbox
  • Neural Network Toolbox
  • Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

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MATLAB Interview Questions for Experienced

Here are the advanced MATLAB interview questions and answers:

1. Explain the concept of object-oriented programming (OOP) in MATLAB.

By combining data (properties) and functions that operate on that data (methods), object-oriented programming (OOP) in MATLAB allows you to create structures called “objects” that essentially model real-world entities and their behaviors within your code. 

By interacting with these objects as building blocks, you can create complex systems; you define these objects using “classes” that serve as blueprints for creating multiple instances with similar characteristics.

2. What are the key components of OOP in MATLAB?

Important MATLAB OOP components include:

Class: A blueprint made with the classdef keyword that specifies the methods (functions) and properties (data) that an object will possess.

Object: An object is a particular implementation of the data and methods specified in a class; it is an instance of the class.

Properties: Dot-notation-accessible variables that hold data inside an object.

Methods: Operations that use dot notation to access data stored in an object’s properties.  


classdef Point






        function obj = Point(x, y)

            obj.x = x;

            obj.y = y;


        function distance = calcDistance(obj, otherPoint)

            distance = sqrt((obj.x – otherPoint.x)^2 + (obj.y – otherPoint.y)^2);




3. Describe how to perform sparse matrix operations in MATLAB.

The sparse function with five arguments can be used to generate a sparse matrix from a list of nonzero entries. For the matrix’s nonzero entries, i and j are vectors of row and column indices, respectively. The corresponding (i,j) pairings define the indices of s, a vector of nonzero values. 

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4. Explain the difference between interp1 and spline for interpolation.

While “spline” refers specifically to a spline interpolation method, which is one option you can choose within the “interp1” function in MATLAB, “interp1” is a general function that can perform various interpolation methods, including linear, nearest neighbor, and spline. 

In other words, “interp1” is a more versatile tool that allows you to select different interpolation types, while “spline” is a specific interpolation technique accessed through the “interp1” function.  

Functionalityinterp1 is a broader function that can perform different interpolation methods like linear, cubic, or spline.spline is a dedicated function to perform only spline interpolation.
UsageIn MATLAB, you would normally use “interp1” and set the interpolation method to “spline” in order to use spline interpolation. 
Flexibilityinterp1 gives you greater freedom by letting you select the preferred interpolation technique according to your requirements and data. Spline refers to a single, specific interpolation method. 


% Data points

x = [1 2 3 4];

y = [2 5 8 11];

% Linear interpolation using interp1

y_interp_linear = interp1(x, y, new_x, ‘linear’); 

% Spline interpolation using interp1

y_interp_spline = interp1(x, y, new_x, ‘spline’); 

5. What is symbolic computation in MATLAB?

By introducing a unique data type called symbolic objects, Symbolic Math ToolboxTM allows you to carry out symbolic computations from the MATLAB® command line. Functions are offered for integration, differentiation, simplification, equation solving, and other mathematical activities. They are called using the well-known MATLAB syntax. 

6. How do you perform symbolic computations in MATLAB?

  • Use the Symbolic Math Toolbox.
  • Define variables as symbolic using syms.
  • Perform symbolic operations like differentiation, integration, simplification, and equation solving.



syms x;

f(x) = x^2 + 2*x + 1;

dfdx = diff(f, x); % Differentiate f with respect to x

7. Explain how to use MATLAB’s Signal Processing Toolbox to create a basic filter (such as a low-pass or high-pass).

  • To create filter coefficients, use functions like butter, fir1, or designfilt.
  • Use the filter function to apply the filter to your signal.

8. Describe workspace variables and their application in MATLAB.

  • The variables that are now defined and available in the MATLAB environment are known as workspace variables.
  • Scripts and functions have the ability to access and manipulate them.
  • To see the variables in the workspace, use who and whos.

9. In MATLAB, how may random numbers be generated from various distributions (such as normal and uniform)?

Utilize functions such as rand, randn, and randi.

  • rand: A uniform amount between 0 and 1.
  • randn: Normal distribution with a standard deviation of one and a mean of 0.
  • randi: Produce arbitrary integers from a given range.

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10. Explain the tic and toc functions’ functions and their use to performance analysis.

  • tic starts a timer.
  • toc stops the timer and displays the elapsed time.
  • Use them to measure the execution time of code blocks and identify performance bottlenecks.

11. Describe the reading, showing, and altering of picture data in MATLAB.

Make use of imread, imshow, imresize, imrotate, and imcrop capabilities.

  • imread: Read image files (various formats).
  • imshow: Display images.

Additional features for image processing tasks, such as feature extraction, segmentation, and filtering.

12. Describe the concept of handles in MATLAB graphics and how they are used to modify graphical objects.

Graphical objects (such as figures, axes, lines, and text) can be uniquely identified by their handles. Once these objects are formed, they let you change their properties.


plot(x, y); 

h = gca; % Get handle to current axes

set(h, ‘XColor’, ‘red’); % Change x-axis color

13. How is curve fitting done in MATLAB?

Make use of functions like lsqcurvefit and polyfit.

  • polyfit: Determine which polynomial’s coefficients best fit the data.
  • lsqcurvefit: Fit data to a non-linear model using lsqcurvefit.

14. Explain how to use MATLAB for numerical integration (e.g., trapz, quad).

trapz: The trapezoidal rule for numerical integration.

quad: More sophisticated numerical integration techniques (adaptive quadrature, for example).

15. Describe the idea of function handles and how functions are sent to other functions as arguments.

  • A pointer to a function is called a function handle.
  • Function handles can be passed to other functions as arguments.
  • You can write more generic and adaptable functions as a result.

16. How is parallel computing carried out in MATLAB?

  • Utilize the Toolbox for Parallel Computing.
  • Make use of parfeval (for evaluating parallel functions), parallel for-loops, and other parallel computing techniques.

17. What are the key considerations for parallel computing in MATLAB?

The below are the key considerations for parallel computing in MATLAB:

  • Overhead: Communication and synchronization are two overheads brought about by parallel computing. Make that the usage of parallelism is justified by the scale of the problem.
  • Data Dependencies: Complex data dependencies might make parallelism difficult.
  • Debugging: Compared to debugging sequential code, debugging concurrent programming can be more difficult.


This extensive list of MATLAB interview questions addresses a variety of subjects, ranging from basic concepts to advanced methods. You can successfully prepare for your MATLAB interviews by carefully reading these questions and rehearsing your responses. Enhance your skills with our MATLAB training in Chennai.

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