J2EE Interview Questions and Answers
In the IT sector, there is still a high demand for J2EE expertise. Despite the emergence of newer frameworks and technologies, J2EE remains a fundamental component of many enterprise systems. Here are the top 40 J2EE interview questions and answers that help you prepare for technical rounds. Kickstart your development career by exploring our J2EE course syllabus.
J2EE Interview Questions for Freshers
Below are interview questions for J2EE developers.
1. Define terms JDK, JRE, and JVM?
JDK: The Java Development Kit, or JDK, includes the documentation, debugger, and compiler (javac) needed to create Java applications.
JRE: The Java Runtime Environment, or JRE, includes the essential libraries and JVM needed to execute Java programs.
JVM: The core of the Java platform is the Java Virtual Machine, or JVM. It is in charge of running Java bytecode across all operating systems.
2. Describe the concept of object-oriented programming, or OOP.
Some of the major concepts of OOPs are,
Encapsulation: Combining data (attributes) and methods that manipulate the data into a single unit (class) is known as encapsulation.
Abstraction: Presenting the user with only the most important features while concealing the internal implementation details.
Inheritance: Creating new classes (subclasses) from preexisting ones (superclasses) and gaining their traits and behaviors is known as inheritance.
Polymorphism: An object’s capacity to assume multiple forms is known as polymorphism. Both method overriding (same method name, same parameters, different implementation in subclass) and overloading (same method name, different parameters) can do this.
3. What distinguishes Java’s ‘==’ and ‘equals()’ methods?
The ‘==’ operator compares two objects’ memory locations.
The ‘equals()’ method compares memory locations by default as well, although it can be turned off to compare object content instead.
4. Describe “this” keyword concept in Java.
The term “this” refers to the object that is now in the class. It is employed for:
- When local variables and instance variables have the same name, access the instance variables.
- Call a different constructor under the same class.
- Give another method the current object as a parameter.
5. What distinguishes “final,” “finally,” and “finalize” from one another?
- ‘final’: Can be applied to classes (to stop inheritance), methods (to stop overriding), and variables (to make them constant).
- “finally”: A section of code that, whether or not an exception arises, is always run in a try-catch block.
- finalize: The garbage collector calls the Object class’s “finalize” method prior to garbage collection of an object.
6. What are Servlets?
Java Servlets are server-side elements that increase web servers’ functionality. They produce dynamic web application content. Compared to other popular server extension technologies, servlets offer the following benefits:
- As they employ a distinct process model, they are quicker than CGI scripts.
- They make advantage of a common API that many web servers offer.
7. Explain the Servlet life cycle.
- Loading: Memory is filled with the servlet class.
- Instantiation: The servlet class is created as an instance.
- Initialization: After the servlet is constructed, the init() method is invoked once.
- Service: Every request invokes the service() method.
- Destruction: Before the servlet is emptied, the destroy() function is invoked.
8. What distinguishes the HTTP GET and POST methods from one another?
GET: Data is retrieved from the server using the GET command. The URL has parameters added to it.
- It is used to obtain information for viewing from a server.
- After receiving the request, the server sends the data without changing its state.
- The history of the browser contains GET requests.
- However, because the data is visible in the URL bar, GET requests are less secure.
POST: Data is sent to the server via POST. Usually, the request body contains the parameters.
- It is used on a server to create or edit data.
- When submitting web forms or uploading data, POST requests are frequently utilized.
- A POST request is more secure as the data sent is not displayed in the address bar.
9. What is the Singleton design pattern?
Singleton design pattern guarantees that a class is only created once.
10. What is the Factory design pattern?
Factory design patterns offer a way to create objects without having to declare their specific class.
11. What is the Observer design pattern?
Observer design pattern establishes a one-to-many dependency between objects, allowing all of its dependents to be automatically updated and informed when one object changes state.
12. What are Java Server Pages, or JSPs?
Text-based files with HTML code and unique JSP tags are called JSPs. They are employed in the dynamic generation of web pages.
By integrating Java code, JSP enables you to alter HTML pages and produce information that may be changed according to user input, date, and time. You can run this code within the platform after translating it into a Jakarta Servlet.
13. What are the different types of JSP directives?
The various types of JSP directives are,
- <%@ page %>: Specifies attributes at the page level, such as language, import, and session.
- <%@ include %>: Adds the contents of a different file, either dynamic or static.
- <%@ taglib %>: Declares a tag library for custom tags using <%@ taglib %>.
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14. Explain the concept of Dependency Injection (DI) in Spring.
DI is a design pattern in which objects do not create their dependencies; instead, they obtain them from outside sources. Spring offers several tools for putting DI into practice, including XML configuration and annotations.
Some of the benefits of DI:
- Improved testability: By making it possible to simulate or stub dependencies, DI makes unit testing easier.
- Better maintainability: DI encourages a modular architecture that clearly divides concerns, which makes it simpler to comprehend, alter, and expand the codebase.
15. What are the different types of beans in Spring?
The various bean varieties in the spring are known as bean scopes, and they have several uses:
- Singleton: It is the default scope, in which the Spring container creates a single instance of the bean. This scope works well with stateless services or shared configurations.
- Prototype: A prototype extends a single bean declaration to an arbitrary number of instances of an object. Stateful beans are appropriate for this scope.
- Request: Every HTTP request generates a fresh instance of the bean.
- Session: Every HTTP session generates a fresh instance of the bean.
Global Session and Application are additional bean scopes. The Spring IoC container is in charge of managing beans in Spring. The beans are managed, assembled, and instantiated by the container.
16. What is Hibernate in Java?
An open-source object-relational mapping (ORM) framework for Java called Hibernate facilitates database interaction for developers. It converts Java data types to SQL data types and Java classes to database tables. It also offers retrieval and querying.
By enabling developers to utilize object-oriented programming techniques rather than intricate SQL queries, Hibernate streamlines database interactions.
Uses for Hibernate include Java SE applications, Java EE application servers, and Enterprise OSGi containers, as well as any environment that supports the Java Persistence API (JPA).
Features of Hibernate:
For effective database access and administration, Hibernate provides a wide range of functionality, such as:
- Automatic generation of tables
- Annotations for defining inheritance relations and foreign key column mapping
17. Explain the concept of ORM.
A programming approach called object-relational mapping (ORM) enables programmers to store and access data in a relational database management system (RDBMS) while working with it in an object-oriented programming language (OOP).
Developers can access and modify objects without having to comprehend how they relate to their data sources due to ORM’s creation of a layer between the two.
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18. What are EJBs in J2EE?
The business logic of an application is included in server-side components called Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs). They belong to the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) and are developed in Java.
Benefits of EJBs:
- Modularity: EJBs can be divided into beans, which are smaller, easier-to-handle parts.
- Reusability: Beans are reusable in a variety of projects or applications.
- Separation of concerns: Presentation and data access are kept apart from business logic.
- Simplified development: EJBs make it possible to create safe, portable, and transactional apps quickly.
19. What are the different types of EJBs?
The various types of EJBs are:
- Stateful: Stateful EJBs are specific to each client and reflect their current status.
- Stateless: Stateless EJBs are quick and simple to administer and are shared by numerous clients.
- Singleton: Designed to share state across all clients, singleton session beans are instantiated just once per application.
20. Explain JMS in Java.
Java programs can transmit, receive, create, and read messages thanks to the Java Message Service (JMS), an API. Enterprise messaging systems can be accessed using this standard.
Role of JMS:
- It makes application development easier by offering a standardized communications interface.
- It allows for dependable, asynchronous, and loosely connected distributed communication.
- It gives Java programs a vendor-neutral interface for creating and receiving messages.
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J2EE Interview Questions for Experienced Candidates
Here are the advanced J2EE interview questions and answers that help experienced applicants.
21. What is a web service?
A web service is a software system that facilitates internet-based communication between devices and applications. Web services can link apps created in various programming languages and are independent of platforms and technologies.
There are several uses for web services, including:
- It offers assistance for application conversion.
- It is utilizing web hosting services to store things such as images and music.
- It combines basic services to produce more intricate processes.
22. What are the key features of web service?
The following are some features of web services:
- Interoperability: Regardless of the platform or framework that an application is operating on, web services enable communication between applications.
- Machine-processable descriptions: Web services offer machine-processable descriptions through XML.
- Communication protocols: HTTP and HTTPS are two examples of communication protocols that web services utilize to communicate data.
- Data exchange formats: Web services exchange data using data exchange forms such as JSON and XML.
- SOAP and REST: Two of the most widely used web service communication protocols are SOAP and REST. REST is a set of architectural principles for data transport, whereas SOAP is a communication protocol.
23. What is REST (Representational State Transfer)?
The software architectural style known as Representational State Transfer (REST) specifies how web services should be designed and developed. It is employed in the development of dependable, stateless online applications.
- REST transfers data between a client and a server over HTTP.
- REST monitors the API and looks for issues using HTTP status codes. A 404 error, for instance, signifies that the resource that was requested was not located.
- Information about the request, including authorization, caching, and the unified resource identifier (URI), is contained in REST headers and arguments.
24. What are the functions of REST?
The functions of REST are:
- Specifies Limitations: REST establishes a set of guidelines for the proper operation of a distributed hypermedia system.
- Creates Uniform Interfaces: Users don’t need to understand an application’s inner workings because REST delivers a consistent interface.
- Encourages Scalability: By establishing a tiered architecture that facilitates caching, REST encourages scalability.
- Ensures Security: By permitting the insertion of middlemen like firewalls and gateways, REST ensures security.
- Encourages Modularity: By arranging components into levels, each with a distinct function, REST encourages modularity.
25. What is a container in Java EE?
Container is a runtime environment that offers Java EE components (such as EJBs and Servlets) services. Examples: Application servers such as Tomcat, JBoss, and WebSphere.
26. In Java EE, what is a transaction?
A transaction is a piece of work that needs to be completed in its entirety. The transaction is rolled back in its entirety if any portion of it fails. Declarative and programmatic transaction management are two of the transaction management tools offered by Java EE.
27. What does Java EE security mean?
J2EE security means the techniques to prevent unwanted access to Java EE applications. It comprises functions such as permission (regulating access to resources) and authentication (confirming user identity).
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28. What is Spring Framework?
Spring is a framework that is both lightweight and adaptable, offering full infrastructure support for Java application development. It is an open-source framework for creating Java applications.
Purpose: Makes creating corporate Java apps easier.
Features: Technologies such as,
- Aspect-oriented programming (AOP)
- Dependency injection (DI)
- Plain Old Java Object (POJO)
Benefits: Assists programmers in producing secure, scalable, and maintainable applications.
Use cases: Web applications built on top of the Java EE (Enterprise Edition) platform can be created using this tool.
License: The Apache 2.0 license was used for the release.
Host: SourceForge is the host.
Core Features of Spring Framework:
- Infrastructure support: Offers a thorough development and configuration framework for contemporary enterprise Java applications.
- Emphasis on application-level business logic: This approach focuses on the “plumbing” of enterprise applications to allow teams to concentrate on business logic at the application level.
- AOP framework: It helps in separating cross-cutting issues from the things they impact.
29. Explain JDBC.
An application programming interface (API) called Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) enables Java apps to communicate with and connect to databases. Developers can access data, send commands and queries, and handle replies using a single interface that JDBC offers.
To connect a Java application to a database using JDBC, you can:
- Import the packages
- Load the drivers using the forName() method
- Register the drivers using DriverManager
- Establish a connection using the Connection class object
- Create a statement
- Execute the query
30. What are JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface)?
Java applications may find and utilize naming and directory services with the aid of the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI), an application programming interface (API). It is a component of the Java platform and an industry standard.
Role of JNDI:
- It assists Java apps in finding and using directory and naming services.
- It allows Java programs to utilize various name and directory services with a single API by arranging and locating components in a distributed computing environment.
31. What is JUnit?
A well-liked and open-source framework for creating and executing automated tests for Java applications is called JUnit:
By creating and executing repeatable tests, JUnit assists developers in testing their applications. It finds methods that define a test using annotations. Additionally, JUnit comes with an integrated reporter that shows the test results.
As JUnit is a unit testing framework, it tests discrete code pieces, like a line of code, class, or method. This makes the code more dependable and maintainable by ensuring that every unit operates as intended. 5.9 is the most recent version of JUnit. Multiple modules from three distinct sub-projects, each with a distinct purpose, make up JUnit 5.
32. What types of testing are available in Java EE?
The various types of testing available in J2EE are:
- Unit Testing: Testing specific parts, such as classes and methods, is known as unit testing.
- Integration Testing: Testing how various components interact with one another is known as integration testing.
- System Testing: It is examining the program as a whole.
- Acceptance Testing: Testing the application to make sure it satisfies user needs is known as acceptance testing.
33. How are Java EE apps debugged?
It is stepping through code, setting breakpoints, and inspecting variables via a debugger (such as the one included with IDEs).
34. How can typical Java EE problems, such ClassNotFoundException and NullPointerException, be resolved?
Typical Java EE problems, such ClassNotFoundException and NullPointerException, can be resolved by utilizing debugging tools, closely inspecting the code for bugs, and analyzing log files.
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35. How can you improve the performance of a Java EE application?
Some of the common ways to improve the performance of J2EE applications:
- Code Optimization: It includes limiting object formation, employing effective data structures, and optimizing algorithms.
- Database Optimization: It includes caching frequently accessed data, employing indexes, and optimizing SQL queries.
- Caching: To lessen database load, cache frequently used data in memory.
- Connection Pooling: Reusing database connections rather than making new ones for every request is known as connection pooling.
36. How can you deploy Java EE applications to the cloud?
J2EE applications can be deployed to the cloud as follows:
- Utilizing systems such as GCP, Azure, and AWS.
- Making use of cloud-native services (like Docker and Kubernetes for containerization).
37. How may Java EE and microservices architecture be combined?
Java EE and microservices architecture can be combined by dividing big apps into more manageable, standalone services or making use of frameworks such as Spring Cloud and Spring Boot.
38. How can big data technologies be used with Java EE?
By integrating with big data frameworks like Hadoop and Spark, we can leverage J2EE with big data technologies.
39. What are some best practices for securing Java EE applications?
Here are some best practices for securing Java EE applications:
- Authentication and authorization.
- Encryption and hashing.
- Input validation.
- Secure coding practices.
- HTTP Basic Authentication.
- Form-based authentication.
- Update regularly.
- Safeguard sensitive information.
- Securely handle errors.
- Prevent injection attacks.
- Comprehensive logging and monitoring.
- Avoid serialization.
40. How do you keep up with Java EE’s most recent developments and trends?
Following well-known blogs, websites, and resources devoted to Java development is one of the best ways to keep up with Java trends and technologies. These resources frequently offer current data, professional opinions, and thorough examinations.
From fundamental Java ideas to sophisticated Java EE technologies and best practices, the list of J2EE interview questions and answers that is offered covers a wide range of subjects. Explore a wide range of learning benefits by enrolling in our J2EE training in Chennai.