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SAS Course Syllabus

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Our SAS Course Syllabus enhances data science skills through the utilization of algorithms and in real-time project practices. Get expertise in statistical data analytics with our modernized SAS Course Curriculum that contains concepts such as an overview of SAS, SAS Dataset, Data Analysis, and Reporting Utilities, Noninteractive Line Modes, SAS Programming, Raw Data Reading Practices, Reading data from databases, and subsetting.

Course Syllabus

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Introduction To SAS
  • Introduction
  • Need For SAS
  • Who Uses SAS
  • What Is SAS?
  • Overview Of Base SAS Software
  • Data Management Facility
  • Structure Of SAS Dataset
  • SAS Program
  • Programming Language
  • Elements Of The SAS Language
  • Rules For SAS Statements
  • Rules For Most SAS Names
  • Special Rules For Variable Names
  • Types Of Variables
  • Data Analysis And Reporting Utilities
  • Traditional Output
  • Ways To Run SAS Programs
  • SAS Windowing Environment
  • Noninteractive Mode
  • Batch Mode
  • Interactive Line Mode
  • Running Programs In The SAS Windowing Environment
How SAS Works
  • Writing Your First SAS Program
  • A Simple Program To Read Raw Data And Produce A Report
  • Enhancing The Program
  • More On Comment Statements
  • Internal Processing In SAS
  • How SAS Works
  • The Compilation Phase
  • The Execution Phase
  • Processing A Data Step A Walkthrough
  • Creating The Input Buffer And The Program Data Vector
  • Writing An Observation To The SAS Data Set
  • Four Types Of SAS Libraries
  • SAS Libraries
  • Work Library
  • SAShelp Library
  • SASuser Library
Reading Raw Data Into SAS
  • What Is Raw Data
  • Definitions
  • Data Values
  • Numeric Value
  • Character Value
  • Standard Data
  • Nonstandard Data
  • Numeric Data
  • Character Data
  • Choosing An Input Style
  • List Input
  • Modified List Input
  • Column Input
  • Formatted Input
  • Named Input
  • Instream Data
  • Creating Multiple Records From Single Input Row
  • Reading Data From External Files
  • Reading Blank Separated Values (List Or Free Form Data)
  • Reading Raw Data Separated By Commas (.Csv Files)
  • Reading In Raw Data Separated By Tabs (.Txt Files)
  • Using Informats With List Input
  • Supplying An Informat Statement With List Input
  • Using List Input With Embedded Delimiters
  • Reading Raw Data That Are Aligned In Columns
  • Method 1 Column Input
  • Method 2 Formatted Input
  • Using More Than One Input Statement The Single Trailing @
  • Reading Column Data That Is On More Than One Line
  • Mixed-Style Input
  • Infile Options For Special Situations
  • Flow Over
  • Missover
  • Trun Cover
  • Pad
  • Using Lrecl To Read Very Long Lines Of Raw Data
  • Checking Your Data After It Has Been Read Into SAS
Reading Data From A Dataset
  • Introduction
  • Set Statement Overview
  • Automatic Variables In SAS
  • Interleave Multiple SAS Data Sets
  • Combine Multiple SAS Data Sets
  • Creating & Modifying Variables
  • Creating Multiple Data Sets In A Single Data-Step
  • Sub Setting Observations
  • Conditional SAS Statements
  • Logical And Special Operators
  • The SAS Supervisor And The Set Statement
  • Efficiency And The Set Statement
  • Know Your Data
  • Set Statement Data Set Options
  • Drop And Keep Options
  • Rename Option
  • Firstobs And Obs Options
  • In Option –
  • Where Option –
  • Other Set Statement Options
  • End Option
  • Key Option
  • Nobs Option
  • Point Option
  • Do Loops And The Set Statement
  • Introduction To Retain Statement
  • Carry Over Values From One Observation To Another
  • Compare Values Across Observations
  • Assign Initial Values
  • Determining Column Order In Output Dataset
  • SAS System Options
Reading Data From A Dataset
  • Input SAS Data Set For Example
  • Selecting Observations For A New SAS Data Set
  • Deleting Observations Based On A Condition
  • Accepting Observations Based On A Condition
  • Comparing The Delete And Sub Setting If Statements
  • Methods Of Creating New Data Sets With A Subset
  • Sub Setting Records From An External File With A Sub Setting If Statement
  • Sub Setting Observations In A Data Step With A Where Statement
  • Sub Setting Observations In A Proc Step With A Where Statement
  • Sub Setting Observations In Proc SQL
  • Difference Between If And Where

Climb up your career ladder faster through our SAS Training in Chennai. Our trainers are experienced and experts in framing coursework for SAS Course Syllabus to offer the best coaching on data analytics with satisfying hands-on practice.

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