Software Training Institute in Chennai with 100% Placements – SLA Institute

Easy way to IT Job

Java Full Stack Course in Chennai

Live Online & Classroom Training
0% Interest

Our Java Full Stack Training in Chennai will make students learn some of the most in-demand concepts in Java Full Stack such as – HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Java, MySQL,  JSP & Servlet, Spring Boot Framework  etc. This curriculum will surely make students experts in the concept of Java Full Stack in a shorter span of time. Our Java Full Stack Course with 100% placement support is curated with the help of leading experts from the IT industry, which makes our Java Full Stack Course up-to-date in accordance with the latest trends.

Our SLA Institute is guaranteed to place you in a high-paying Java Full Stack Developer and other Java Full Stack related jobs with help of our experienced placement officers. SLA Institute’s Course Syllabus for Java Full Stack covers all topics that are guaranteed to give you a complete understanding of the Java Full Stack Course in Chennai.

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+91 89256 88858

Upcoming Batches

Hands On Training
3-5 Real Time Projects
60-100 Practical Assignments
3+ Assessments / Mock Interviews
September 2024
Week days

2 Hours Real Time Interactive Technical Training 

1 Hour Aptitude 

1 Hour Communication & Soft Skills

(Suitable for Fresh Jobseekers / Non IT to IT transition)

Course Fee
September 2024
Week ends

4 Hours Real Time Interactive Technical Training

(Suitable for working IT Professionals)

Course Fee

Save up to 20% in your Course Fee on our Job Seeker Course Series

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100% Assistance


Job-Centered Approach


Convenient Hrs


Online & Classroom



This Course Includes

  • FREE Demo Class
  • 0% EMI Loan Facilities
  • FREE Softskill & Placement Training
  • Tie up with more than 500+ MNCs & Medium Level Companies
  • 100% FREE Placement Assistance
  • Course Completion Certificate
  • Training with Real Time Projects
  • Industry-Based Coaching By MNC IT Professionals
Let's Get Started

Expected Criteria for Assured Placement

The following criteria help the placement team guide the candidates to get placed immediately after the course completion through SLA Institute.

  • 80% of coursework completion helps us arrange interviews in required companies.
  • 2 or 3 projects to be done for the selected course to ace the technical round effectively.
  • Ensure attending the placement training right from the first day of the selected course.
  • Practice well with resume building, soft skill, aptitude skill, and profile strengthening.
  • Utilize the internship training program at SLA for the complete technical skills.
  • Collect the course completion certificate and update the copy to the placement team.
  • Ensure your performance indicator meets the expectation of top companies.
  • Always be ready with the updated resume that includes project details done at SLA.
  • Enjoy unlimited interview arrangements along with internal mock interviews.
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+91 89256 88858

SLA's Distinctive Placement Approach


Tech Courses


Expert Mentors


Assignments & Projects


Grooming sessions


Mock Interviews



Objectives of Java Full Stack Course in Chennai

The primary objective of our Java Full Stack Course in Chennai is to make enrolled candidates experts in Java Full Stack. This Java Full Stack Course will make students grow into successful and most in-demand Java Developers,and more. SLA Institute’s Java Full Stack Course Curriculum is loaded with some of the most useful and rare concepts that will surely give students a complete understanding of Java Full Stack. So, some of those concepts are discussed below:

  • The syllabus begins with fundamental topics like – Introduction about HTML, Building blocks, Common CSS Selectors, Values, Bootstrap Pagination, Dropdown, Navigation Bar etc.
  • The syllabus then goes a bit deeper into Java Full Stack where students will learn – Conditional statements, Functions with Practicals, Classes & Objects, Introduction about Java, Internal working of a java program, Software Installation etc.
  • The syllabus finally goes to the advanced topics like – MYSQL Connector Practical Programs with CRUD operation, Queries in advance and its implementation, JSP Life cycle, JSP API, Spring Introduction and Installation, Spring Boot MVC set up with CRUD operation, Spring Boot with JPA for Rest API etc. 

Future Scope for Java Full Stack Course in Chennai

The following are the scopes available in the future for the Java Full Stack Course:

  • Enterprise Applications: Java, particularly with frameworks like Spring Boot, remains pivotal for scalable enterprise solutions.
  • Cloud Computing: Java’s compatibility with major cloud platforms enables advancements in cloud-native applications, microservices, and serverless computing.
  • Big Data and Analytics: Java’s integration with technologies like Apache Hadoop supports developing data processing and analytics platforms.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): Java’s versatility supports IoT application development and integration with diverse IoT ecosystems.

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SLA builds your future with comprehensive coursework and unparalleled placement support.
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Java Full Stack Course Syllabus

Download Syllabus

SLA Institute’s Java Full Stack Course Syllabus comes with 100% placement support so students will be guaranteed a placement in an esteemed organization. In addition to that the Java Full Stack Course Syllabus is also carefully curated with the help of leading professionals and experts from the IT industry with so many hours invested in it. So, everything that our students learn in the Java Full Stack course is fully up-to-date to the current trends in the IT industry, which increases their chances of getting employed.

  • Introduction about HTML
  • Building blocks
  • Tags and Attributes
  • Elements
  • Formatting Tags
  • Practicals with Tags (List, Image, Link)
  • Form Tag
  • Input Tag
  • Meta Tag
  • Media Tag
  • Table Tag
  • Practical
  • Common CSS Selectors
  • Values
  • Colors
  • Keyword Colors
  • RGB
  • HSL
  • Absolute Length
  • Relative Length
  • Percentages
  • EM
  • Inline Display
  • Working with BOX model
  • Content Box
  • width
  • Height
  • Margin and Padding
  • Color & Declarations
  • With Practicals
  • Working with Borders
  • Individual Border
  • Radius
  • Padding Box
  • Border Box
  • Browser Specific Properties
  • Typography
  • Typography
  • Typeface Vs Fonts
  • Font Attributes
  • Adding Media
  • List
  • Building Forms with
  • Tables
  • Bootstrap Pagination
  • Dropdown
  • Navigation Bar
  • Carousel
  • Filters And Grid with Practicals
  • Introduction
  • Arrays
  • Variables
  • Typecasting
  • Operators with Practicals
  • Loops
  • Conditional statements
  • Functions with Practicals
  • Classes & Objects
  • Introduction about Java
  • Internal working of a java program
  • Software Installation
  • Collection Framework
  • Introduction
  • Collection Framework Implementations
  • HashSet
  • LinkedHashSet
  • ArrayList
  • Stack
  • LinkedList
  • Vector
  • Map
  • Date and calendar with practical session
  • Loops
  • Conditional statement with practicals
  • Arrays single and
  • multidimensional
  • OOPS Introduction
  • Class and Objects
  • Constructor
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstraction & Encapsulation Packages
  • Inheritance
  • Final, This, Super keywords
  • Static
  • Wrapper Class
  • Inner Class
  • Implementation of 50 essential logical Programs
  • using Java Script
  • String Handling Methods
  • String Buffer
  • String Tokenizer
  • Introduction about Exception Handling
  • Built in Exception
  • User Defined Exception
  • Practical
  • Creating database and Tables
  • Basic queries
  • JDBC architecture
  • File Class
  • I/O Stream Hierarchy
  • File Input Stream
  • File Output Stream
  • Practical with File handling
  • Introduction about Multithreading
  • Thread Lifecycle
  • Thread Class
  • Runnable Interface and Synchronization
  • Threading Practical
  • MYSQL Connector Practical Programs with CRUD operation
  • Queries in advance and its implementation
  • MYSQL Joins with backend implementations
  • JSP Life cycle
  • Scripting elements
  • Java Beans
  • Servlet terminology
  • Servlet API
  • Generic Servlet
  • Http Servlet
  • Servlet Life Cycle
  • JSP/Servlet implementation in MVC Architecture
  • Spring Introduction and Installation
  • Spring Boot MVC set up with CRUD operation
  • Spring Boot with JPA for Rest API
  • Spring Boot Security
  • Spring Boot with Micro Services
  • Project Implementation ER diagram and Project Architecture
  • Project Documentation and Design Analysis

Project Practices on Java Full Stack Training

Project 1E-commerce Platform

Build an e-commerce website using Spring Boot for backend and HTML/CSS/JavaScript with Thymeleaf or React for frontend, including features like authentication, product catalog, shopping cart, payment integration, and order management.

Project 2Social Networking Application

Develop a social media platform with Spring Boot backend and Angular or React frontend, featuring user profiles, news feed, posts/comments, likes/dislikes, notifications, and messaging.

Project 3Online Learning Management System (LMS)

Online Learning Management System (LMS): Create an LMS using Spring Boot backend and Angular or Thymeleaf frontend, with modules for course management, user enrollment, progress tracking, quizzes/assignments, discussion forums, and admin dashboard.

Project 4Task Management Tool

Design a task management application using Spring Boot backend and Angular or React frontend, supporting task creation, assignment, status tracking, deadlines, priority levels, notifications, and user roles.

Prerequisites for learning Java Full Stack Course in Chennai

SLA Institute does not demand any prerequisites for any course at all. SLA Institute has courses that cover everything from the fundamentals to advanced topics so whether the candidate is a beginner or an expert they will all be accommodated and taught equally in SLA Institute. However having a fundamental understanding of these concepts below will help you understand Java Full Stack better, However it is completely optional:

  • Core Java Programming: Mastery of fundamental Java concepts like data types, variables, operators, control structures (loops, conditionals), methods, and exception handling is essential.
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Principles: Understanding OOP concepts such as classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction is critical for Java development.
  • SQL and Database Fundamentals: Proficiency in SQL for tasks like data querying, table manipulation, and basic database design (e.g., tables, relationships, normalization).
  • Web Development Basics: Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for frontend development, encompassing DOM manipulation, form handling, and foundational client-side scripting.

Our Java Full Stack Course in Chennai is fit for:

  • Students eager to excel in Java Full Stack 
  • Professionals considering transitioning to Java Full Stack careers
  • IT professionals aspiring to enhance their Java Full Stack skills
  • Java Full Stack Developers enthusiastic about expanding their expertise.
  • Individuals seeking opportunities in the Java Full Stack field.

Job Profile for Java Full Stack Course in Chennai

After finishing the Java Full Stack Course in Chennai, students will be placed in various organizations through SLA Institute. This section will explore the various range of job profiles in which students can possibly be possible be placed as in the Java Full Stack sector;

  • Full Stack Developer: Java Full Stack Course will make students into successful Full Stack Developer who specializes in frontend (Angular, React, Thymeleaf) and backend (Spring Boot, Hibernate) development.
  • Java Developer: The Java Full Stack Course will train students into skilled Java Developers who focus on backend development, including server-side logic, database integration, and API development.
  • Web Developer: Java Full Stack Course will turn students into Web Developer who builds web applications using Java for backend operations and frontend technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks.
  • Software Engineer: The SLA Institute will turn students into Software Engineers who apply Java skills across the software development lifecycle, from requirements to testing.
  • Backend Developer: The SLA Institute will make students into skilled Backend Developer who specializes in server-side programming with Java, ensuring web application performance and security.
  • Frontend Developer: The SLA Institute will train students into successful Frontend Developers who focus on user interface and experience using Java-based backend services and frontend technologies.
  • DevOps Engineer: Manages infrastructure, deployment pipelines, and CI/CD processes using Java tools (Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes).
  • Database Administrator (DBA): Manages databases, ensuring data integrity and optimizing performance for Java-based applications.
  • Technical Lead/Architect: Leads teams, makes technical decisions, and designs scalable architectures using Java frameworks.
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer: Tests Java applications, develops automated test scripts (JUnit, Selenium), and ensures software quality.
  • Systems Analyst: Analyzes requirements, designs solutions using Java, and collaborates to implement effective software solutions.
  • Freelancer/Consultant: Provides expertise in Java Full Stack development, customizes applications, and advises clients on technology solutions.’

Want to learn with a personalized course curriculum?

The Placement Process at SLA Institute

  • To Foster the employability skills among the students
  • Making the students future-ready
  • Career counseling as and when needed
  • Provide equal chances to all students
  • Providing placement help even after completing the course

Java Full Stack Course FAQ

What distinguishes Spring Boot from the traditional Spring Framework?

Spring Boot is a more opinionated framework that streamlines Spring application setup with defaults and auto-configurations. It reduces boilerplate code and setup time compared to the traditional Spring Framework, which demands more manual configuration.

How does transaction management work in a Spring Boot application?

In Spring Boot, database transactions are handled using the @Transactional annotation. This declarative approach allows Spring to manage transactions across service methods or classes, ensuring ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) for database operations.

Explain RESTful API development and its implementation in Spring Boot.

RESTful APIs use HTTP protocols to enable communication between systems. In Spring Boot, developers create RESTful APIs using annotations like @RestController and @RequestMapping, alongside HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to process requests. Spring Boot also integrates seamlessly with Spring Data REST and Spring HATEOAS for developing hypermedia-driven APIs.

How can you deploy a Spring Boot application for production use?

Spring Boot applications are deployable to production environments through various methods. Typically, applications are packaged as JAR files and deployed to servlet containers like Apache Tomcat, or web servers like Jetty or Undertow can be embedded directly within the JAR. Cloud deployment options such as AWS Elastic Beanstalk or Heroku are also viable, leveraging Spring Boot’s built-in support for cloud-native configurations and features.

How many branches does the SLA Institute have?

Currently, the SLA Institute has two branches in OMR, Navalur and K.K.Nagar respectively. 

Is EMI an option at SLA Institute?

Yes, SLA Institute does indeed provide EMI with 0% interest.

Is Java Full Stack easy to learn?

Learning the basic concepts in Java Full Stack will help while learning the advanced concepts. But nevertheless, the SLA Institute is equipped with world-class facilities and experienced trainers who will help students in learning and grasping the concepts in Java Full Stack easily.

How long is the Java Full Stack Course?

In SLA Institute the Java Full Stack Course is 3 months long.

On Average Students Rated The Java Full Stack Course 4.60/5.0

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