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Top 40 CSS Interview Questions and Answers

Published On: December 17, 2024

Cascading Style Sheet, or CSS is the predominant skill in the web development field and it is important to develop impressive web pages. CSS developers along with HTML skills are in-demand in top companies. Therewith, we carefully collected top 40 CSS interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced. Explore more with our CSS course syllabus

CSS Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

Here are interview CSS questions for freshers:

Interview Questions on Basic CSS Concepts

1. What is CSS?

The language used to style HTML and XML documents is called CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). It manages a web page’s element spacing, color, font, and layout.

2. How can an HTML document be linked to an external CSS file?

Use the <link> tag in the <head> section of your HTML document:

     <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”styles.css”>

3. What is the CSS box model?

One conceptual paradigm for designing web pages is the box model. It has four primary properties:

  • padding: the area between the border and content.
  • border: the border surrounding the element.
  • margin: the area outside the border.
  • content: the element’s actual content.

4. What distinguishes block display from inline and inline-block display?

  • Inline: Items are shown side by side without breaking to the following line.
  • Inline-block: Elements can have their width and height properties set, but they are shown inline.
  • Block: Each element occupies the entire available width and is shown on its own line. 

5. CSS selectors: what are they?

To target particular HTML components to which styles will be applied, CSS selectors are utilized. Typical kinds include of:

  • Element selectors (e.g., p, div)
  • Class selectors (e.g., .myClass)
  • ID selectors (e.g., #myId)
  • Attribute selectors (e.g., [href^=”http”])
  • Pseudo-classes (e.g., :hover, :active, :focus)
  • Pseudo-elements (e.g., ::before, ::after)

6. Describe the inheritance and specificity of CSS.

  • Specificity: In cases when several rules conflict, specify which styles are applied to an element. Depending on the kind of selection being used, it is computed.
  • Inheritance: Child elements may inherit styles established on a parent element. 

7. What distinguishes position: fixed, position: absolute, position: relative, and position: static?

  • Static: The default position that is unaffected by positioning properties.
  • Relative: Oriented in relation to its typical orientation.
  • Absolute: Located in relation to the first containing block or the closest positioned ancestor.
  • Fixed: Despite scrolling, the position remains fixed in relation to the viewport. 

8. The CSS z-index property: what is it?

The elements’ stack order is specified by the z-index parameter. Elements with lower z-index values are positioned beneath those with higher ones. 

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Interview Questions on CSS3 Features

9. What are animations and transitions in CSS3?

  • Transitions: Alter CSS properties gradually over a predetermined amount of time.
  • Animations: Use keyframes, timing functions, and iteration counts to create increasingly intricate animations. 

10. Describe the grid layout and CSS3 flexbox.

  • Flexbox: A layout concept that allows for flexible item placement along a major axis (column or row).
  • Grid Layout: A model for arranging rows and columns in two dimensions. 

11. What are media queries in CSS3?

You can apply styles according to various screen widths and device specifications by using media queries. 

12. What is the CSS3 transform?

You can change an element’s size, location, and orientation with the transform property. 

Interview Questions on Common CSS Practices

13. What are the Sass and Less CSS preprocessors?

CSS preprocessors improve the efficiency and maintainability of CSS by adding features like variables, mixins, and nesting.

14. How can CSS be made more performance-friendly?

Use CSS sprites, minimize HTTP queries, minify CSS files, and take use of browser caching.

15. What are CSS resetting and normalization?

  • Normalization: Fixes browser discrepancies while maintaining helpful default styles.
  • Resetting: This gives you a fresh start by deleting all default styles. 

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CSS Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced

Here are the advanced CSS interview questions for experienced candidates.

16. What distinguishes visibility: hidden from display: none?

Visibility: hidden conceals an element’s contents, but display: none eliminates the element from the document. This is the primary distinction between the two.

  • visibility: hidden: It retains an element’s original size and location while hiding its contents. In the layout, the piece still occupies space.
  • display: none: It eliminates the element’s space-consuming presence from the document and its layout.

JavaScript frequently uses display: none to show and conceal elements without erasing and replacing them.

17. Explain the box-sizing property in CSS

We can incorporate the padding and border in the overall width and height of an element by using the box-sizing property. When box-sizing: border-box; is set on an element, the width and height also include the padding and border: The size of both divs is now equal.

18. How can one use CSS to develop a responsive design?

Here are a few methods for utilizing CSS to make a responsive design:

  • Media Queries: To apply various styles according to the user’s device or screen size, utilize media queries.
    • Media queries allow you to rearrange elements such as rows, columns, and containers to create various layouts for a project. 
    • You must choose “responsive breakpoints” or screen size breakpoints before you can use media queries.
  • CSS grid: To make grid-based designs that adjust to various screen sizes, use CSS Grid.
    • Grid templates allow you to determine the quantity and dimensions of rows and columns.
  • Viewport: To make sure the website is responsive and changes its layout according to the screen size, set a viewport.  
  • CSS Flexbox: Create responsive and adaptable layouts without the need for floats or positioning by utilizing CSS Flexbox.
    • Flexbox can be used to make intricate nested layouts, align and distribute information, and build fluid grids.
  • Relative units: Create flexible page layouts by using relative units, such as percentages.
  • Fluid images and media: Ensure that media components and pictures adjust proportionately to accommodate various screen sizes. 

Check out our web development training syllabus for further learning. 

19. What is the CSS float property?

Text and inline elements can wrap around an element that is on the left or right side of its container thanks to the float CSS feature. In contrast to absolute positioning, the element is taken out of the page’s natural flow while still being a part of it.

20. How can an element be centered both vertically and horizontally?

There are several ways to center an element in CSS both vertically and horizontally, including:

  • Flexbox: A straightforward technique that blends vertical and horizontal approaches. Set the parent container to show in order to center a picture horizontally:define justify-content: center and flex.
  • Line-height: Centers an icon or a single line of text vertically inside a container of a set height.
  • Vertical-align: Inline items are centered by vertical alignment.  
  • Text-align: Aligns text horizontally inside a paragraph, header, or division.
  • Margin: auto: Centers an image horizontally by making sure it has a given width and is shown as a block-level element. Equal margins will be automatically calculated on both sides by the browser.  
  • Margin-inline: By setting both margin-left and margin-right to auto, the margin-inline feature centers an element. The available space on the left and right sides will be automatically distributed by the browser.
  • Padding: In certain situations, padding can be used to center text vertically.
  • Display: grid: This feature allows you to center a div both vertically and horizontally.
  • Position: absolute: This feature allows you to center a division both vertically and horizontally.
  • Transform: A div can be centered both vertically and horizontally using the transform: translate function.
  • Display: table: This feature allows you to center a div both vertically and horizontally.
  • Display: table-cell: This feature allows you to center a div both vertically and horizontally.  

21. What is the CSS overflow property?

What should occur if content exceeds an element’s box is specified by the overflow property. When an element’s content is too large to fit in a designated area, this attribute determines whether to add scrollbars or clip the content. 

22. Explain the CSS opacity property.

An element’s opacity level is determined by its opacity property. The transparency level is described by the opacity level, where 0 is fully transparent, 0.5 is 50% see-through, and 1 is not transparent at all. 

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23. Differentiate margin and padding in CSS

The primary distinction between padding and margin in web development and design is that the padding refers to the space inside an element, and the margin is the space outside it:

  • Margin: The distance between one element’s border to the subsequent element. A margin gives an element space.
  • Padding: The distance between the border and the content of an element. An element’s padding adds more room. 

You can use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to change the padding and margin. Designing layouts that are clear and easy to read requires an understanding of the distinction between the two. Other distinctions between padding and margin include the following:

Background color: While the margins are translucent, you can change the background color of the padding and borders.

Creating Gaps: By increasing the element’s size or decreasing the content within, padding produces gaps. 

24. What is the CSS border-radius property?

The corners of an element’s outer border edge are rounded by the border-radius CSS attribute. For circular corners, you can set one radius; for elliptical corners, you can set two radii.

25. How do you create a CSS gradient?

A linear gradient is produced as the background using the CSS linear-gradient() function. At least two color stops must be defined in order to produce a linear gradient. 

The colors you wish to create seamless transitions between are called color stops. Along with the gradient effect, you may also specify a direction (or angle) and a beginning point. 

26. What is the CSS filter property?

By altering how an element’s content is rendered, you can apply visual effects and transformations to it using the CSS filter property. By modifying properties like color, brightness, contrast, blur, and more, you can change how an element looks.

27. Explain the CSS text-shadow property.

Text can have shadows added to it using the text-shadow CSS property. It takes a list of shadows to be applied to the text and any of its decorations, separated by commas. Every shadow is defined by a mix of color, blur radius, and X and Y offsets from the element.

28. What is the CSS text-align property?

The horizontal alignment of inline-level content within a block element or table-cell box is set by the text-align CSS property. This indicates that it functions similarly to vertical alignment but in a horizontal manner.

29. What is the CSS text-decoration property?

A CSS property called text-decoration is used to give text ornamental effects. Its primary functions include adding a line above or below the text, striking through, and underlining. This will make every paragraph in the HTML text stand out. 

30. What is the CSS text-transform property?

The transformation of text The capitalization of an element’s text is specified by the CSS attribute. It can be used to capitalize each word or to make the text appear all lowercase or all uppercase.

31. What is the CSS font-family property?

For the chosen element, the font-family CSS property provides a prioritized list of one or more font family names and/or generic family names.

32. What is the CSS font-size property?

The font’s height and size can be specified using CSS’s font-size attribute. It has an impact on an element’s text size. It can be applied to any element and has a medium default value. This property has the following values: x-small, small, x-small, etc. 

33. What is the CSS font-weight property?

The thickness of the text’s letters is determined by the font-weight property. 

34. What is the CSS font-style property?

The font-style CSS property determines if a font from its font-family should be styled with an oblique, italic, or regular face.

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35. What is the CSS color property?

The color CSS property sets the currentcolor value as well as the foreground color value of the text and text decorations of an element. Currentcolor is the default for other color attributes, like border-color, and can be used as an indirect value on other properties.

36. What is the CSS background-color property?

An element’s background color is set by the background-color property. An element’s background is its entire size, including its padding and border (but not its margin). 

37. What is the CSS background-image property?

The background-image attribute is used to specify an image to be used as the backdrop of an element. The image is automatically repeated to fill the full element. 

38. What is the CSS background-repeat property?

If and how a background picture is repeated is determined by the background-repeat attribute. A backdrop image is automatically replicated in both vertical and horizontal directions. The background-position attribute determines where the background picture is inserted.

39. What is the CSS background-position property?

You can place a background picture inside an element at any location by using the CSS background position property. By giving you precise control over the placement of a background image, this feature aids in the creation of visually appealing web designs.

40. What is the CSS background-size property?

The background-size CSS property allows you to change the width and/or height of an element’s background image, overriding the usual behavior of tiling the image at its full size. This allows you to adjust the image’s scale to what you prefer.


A key component of web development, CSS enables you to style and organize web pages. A solid grasp of CSS principles, from fundamental selectors to more complex methods like flexbox and grid are covered in these CSS interview questions and answers. Explore more with our CSS training in Chennai.

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