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Cloud Computing Interview Questions

Published On: May 7, 2023

Do you want to work in the Cloud? What’s stopping you? After all, that job is the one with the highest demand in the modern economy. By 2025, experts expect that the cloud computing market will be worth $800 billion, making it one of the world’s fastest-growing industries.

With solid credentials and relevant work experience, you can increase your odds of getting hired by your ideal employer at a competitive salary. Jobs as varied as cloud developer, cloud administrator, cloud architect, cloud engineer, and cloud security specialist are available in this sector.

Use this comprehensive list of cloud computing training in Chennai interview questions to help you ace your next interview with ease. But before we get into it, let’s address some of the most often-asked cloud computing interview questions.

Okay, so let’s begin!

When dealing with an inconceivably large amount of data, data management becomes a significant challenge for businesses. Therefore, Cloud Computing is the life preserver in the data ocean for floundering industries. Some of the most sought-after employers for cloud computing experts are Amazon, Microsoft, Deloitte, and Lockheed Martin.

This set of cloud computing interview questions spans both entry-level and advanced topics.

Cloud Computing Fresher Interview Questions

To help those who are just starting out in the cloud industry, we have compiled this set of cloud computing interview questions. You’ll get some practice with easy questions first, then move on to more challenging ones.

Cloud Computing: What Is It?

Cloud computing refers to the practice of making data center hardware and software readily available over the Internet and made available to users on demand. It also facilitates access to a wider array of worldwide web servers for users.

This is because it has become more widely used than any other technology in the field. The proliferation of smartphones and other internet-enabled mobile devices has been a driving force behind this shift.

Cloud computing has many applications beyond corporations and enterprises, and can be of benefit to the average person as well. It allows us to play back software without downloading it to our computers and to keep and see our media files in a central internet location. Businesses can gain greatly from making use of the cloud’s shared pool of computer resources.

Take SLA’s Cloud Computing Training in Chennai to get familiar with the fundamentals of the cloud.

Describe the cloud.

The cloud is a collection of servers and a variety of network, storage, service, and hardware configurations that allow businesses to cut costs while providing consumers with increased convenience.

All data is stored on physical servers in data centers, but “the cloud” is simply a network of computers that can be accessed over the Internet. By utilizing cloud computing, we are able to gain access to the actual servers and execute programs written in computer code on those computers.

Since cloud computing relies on a distributed network of servers housed in a data center rather than on the user’s local device, users are able to access their data and programs regardless of where they happen to be located.

Providers of cloud services in these areas include Gmail, Microsoft Office 365, Dropbox, and Google Drive, to name a few. Cloud computing has become the standard in the IT industry because it eliminates the costs and hassles associated with upgrading and maintaining servers, which are now the responsibility of the cloud provider.

Face your interview confidently with our comprehensive Cloud computing interview questions and answers.

In cloud computing, what kinds of data are stored and retrieved?

Data stored in the cloud can be of many different formats, such as emails, texts, Booleans, decimals, localizations, numbers, dates, photos, contact lists, etc. New data types are required to accommodate the ever-increasing quantities of data. To store videos, for instance, a new data type is required.

How many distinct levels make up a cloud’s architecture?

The Cloud’s Four Progressive Layers

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Function as a service (FaaS)

How would you briefly and clearly explain Cloud Computing to a layperson?

This may seem like a simple question, but it actually came up during one of the interviews. (from Quora)

You should now answer this question using only the simplest of terms. It’s not a good idea to throw about technical jargon. The term “cloud” is used in the context of cloud computing to represent the internet. Therefore, you can now refer to this technique as “cloud computing” or “Internet-based computing,” as the Internet provides the energy for these services.

Master the cloud computing fresher interview questions with our dedicated placement team’s support.

In what ways does Cloud Computing differ from conventional methods?

Some of cloud computing’s most notable qualities are as follows:

  • Agility facilitates rapid and low-cost resource provisioning and redeployment.
  • The resources are not tied to a certain location, thus they can be accessed from anywhere.
  • Resources are shared amongst many tenants; this is known as “multi-tenancy.”
  • Both data and compute resources may be relied upon to always be there when needed.
  • Data can be dynamically provided to aid scalability through provisioning.

What is the meaning of cloud delivery models?

Computing ecosystems can be represented by models of cloud delivery. Here are some of them:

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is the on-demand provisioning of computing resources including servers, storage, networks, and other specialized applications.
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a method for integrating IaaS with an abstracted collection of middleware services, app creation, and deployment mechanisms. These provide a standard means by which applications can be developed and deployed, regardless of whether they are used in the cloud or on-premises.
  • SaaS refers to a model in which a software provider develops and hosts a business application for multiple users.
  • FaaS stands for “function as a service,” and it allows users to create, manage, and operate app features without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. This allows for the development of a “serverless” framework.

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How many variants of cloud storage are there?

The cloud can be deployed in two main ways: Public and Private.

Public Cloud

When a third party owns and operates a collection of cloud computing resources (composed of hardware, storage, networking, services, applications, and interfaces) for the benefit of other organizations and individuals, this is known as the public cloud. These businesses build a highly scalable data center and keep the customer in not knowing about the underlying hardware.

The availability of numerous computing, storage, and a wide variety of additional service alternatives makes public clouds a practical option.

Private Cloud

The term “private cloud” refers to a cloud infrastructure that is owned and maintained by a single company and made available to its employees, partners, and customers. A third party can design and maintain this for a single company. The private cloud is a closed system that is not available to the general public. That’s why a firewall protects the information there.

Hybrid Cloud

Most businesses utilize a hybrid cloud setup, which combines in-house computer resources with those available to the public.


In addition, some businesses use several distinct public cloud services to back up their various software development and operational departments.

Who are the major players in the cloud ecosystem, and what do they do?

Your perspective on cloud architecture is formed by the following components of the cloud ecosystem:

  • Cloud users
  • Potential Buyers
  • Companies that provide cloud computing services

Which entities make up a cloud ecosystem’s Cloud Consumers?

People and teams in your organization rely on various cloud services to get work done. A cloud user could be a programmer who makes use of public cloud computing services.

Who are the cloud ecosystem’s Direct customers?

Cloud service consumers who routinely use your company’s offerings. Customers are completely unaware of whether or not they are using a public or private cloud. When it comes to services and value, customers are dealing with them face to face.

Which companies offer cloud services within a cloud ecosystem?

Companies that offer cloud computing services are known as cloud service providers. Customers who use the cloud buy services from commercial suppliers. On the other hand, a business may elect to offer internal cloud services to its own partners, workers, and customers as a means of cutting costs or increasing revenue.

Providers of cloud computing services often develop apps and services specifically for the cloud.

Explain the structure of cloud computing.

From an architectural point of view, all the parts of a cloud model make up what is known as cloud computing architecture.

It is the responsibility of consumer management to ensure that services are always available to meet the evolving demands of businesses. On-premises computing encompasses everything from apps and middleware to infrastructure and services. The model also represents the function of a cloud auditor. An internal or external group provides this monitoring to ensure the consumer group is living up to its commitments.

Explore our Cloud Computing Interview Questions and answers to appear hopefully in the interview.

List the various types of Cloud Storage.

The mechanics of cloud storage devices offer standardizations in data storage, including but not limited to:

  • Files – These are compilations of data that have been organized into files and are located in folders.
  • Blocks – A block is the smallest element of independently accessible data. It’s the storage tier right underneath the hardware.
  • Datasets are collections of data that have been structured in a tabular, delimited, or record format.
  • Objects – Data and the related metadata are structured as web-based resources.

The aforementioned tiers of data storage often correspond to corresponding technical interfaces. This protocol is standard for certain kinds of cloud storage devices and the storage service that exposes its application programming interface.

Describe SaaS (software as a service).

A software distribution model known as software as a service (SaaS) is one in which a company other than the end user hosts the program and makes it accessible to the end user via an online network, such as the Internet. Software as a service (SaaS), along with infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS), is one of the three primary types of cloud computing.

When do you use a Private Cloud?

The benefits of scalability and self-service offered by the public cloud are also available in a private cloud environment. This is accomplished using a custom-built infrastructure in a private cloud, which caters to the specific requirements of a single business.

Therefore, organizations that have fluctuating or unpredictably high computing demands and must maintain strict control over their infrastructures should opt for the private cloud. Private cloud services are the most appropriate for situations requiring security, governance, or regulation.

Secure strategic operations and other sensitive data can be stored in private clouds. It’s a full-fledged platform that may be owned, run, and limited to a single business or sector. Because of safety concerns, most businesses today use private clouds, and one provider of such services is a virtual private cloud.

This is one of the standard cloud computing interview questions.

The Public Cloud: What Is It?

The main goal is to provide cloud-based internet services to users. Public cloud services, in contrast to private cloud solutions, are made available to everyone who is interested in using them. It’s possible that the service will cost money or won’t cost anything at all.

Anyone can access and utilize a public cloud for any purpose. Such as Google, Amazon, and so on. The public clouds specialize in a few different layers, such as cloud applications, infrastructure, and platform marketplaces.

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Describe hybrid clouds.

To satisfy the needs of our users, a hybrid cloud makes use of both in-house resources and those provided by external, third-party providers. A hybrid cloud gives enterprises more alternatives for data deployment and mobility by permitting workloads to migrate between private and public clouds in response to fluctuating computing needs and costs.

Hybrid clouds combine the best features of both public and private cloud computing. The most secure method of establishing cloud architecture is favored over both other clouds. It has the best parts of both the old and the new worlds. It paves the way for businesses to build their own clouds and delegate authority to third parties.

Can you explain the distinction between mobile and cloud computing?

When you use cloud computing, your data is stored in a virtual “cloud” on the Internet. You’ll need a physical device connected to the Internet, but you’ll be able to view your files and folders from anywhere in the world.

Taking a computer, phone, or other device with you wherever you go is known as “mobile computing.” Cloud computing and mobile computing share some similarities, and the latter makes use of the former. The information needed by users is made available by cloud computing. In contrast, mobile computing relies on applications hosted on a remote server to facilitate data storage and management.

Cloud Computing Interview Questions for Experienced

Where do scalability and elasticity diverge?

The scalability of cloud computing allows for the allocation of more resources to the task as it grows. The architecture is scalable, so extra resources can be summoned as needed to handle spikes in usage.

A considerable amount of resource capacity can be dynamically commissioned and decommissioned, a feature known as elasticity. How quickly resources are needed and how quickly they are used are indicators.

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What are the advantages of cloud computing in terms of safety?

  • Complete defense against DDoS attacks: Companies’ cloud resources are increasingly being targeted by Distributed Denial of Service assaults. By limiting access to just the server, cloud computing prevents attacks that could compromise a business’s data and infrastructure.
  • Information confidentiality: As data grows, so does the threat of data breaches, and servers become easy targets. The cloud’s built-in protections ensure that private information is safe from prying eyes.
  • Cloud’s popularity can be attributed to its most appealing feature: its adaptability. In the event of high traffic, the user has the option to prevent the server from failing. When the peak period is over, the user can reduce their usage to save money.
  • Identity Management: With cloud computing, the application server can be given permission for identity management. Permissions allow users to regulate who can access a given resource in the cloud.

Why is utility computing useful?

Computing as a utility, often known as The Computer Utility, is a method of providing a service. Rather than paying a fixed cost, customers pay based on the amount of time they use the service provider’s computing resources and infrastructure management.

In utility computing, an entity determines what kind of cloud service must be deployed as a plug-in. It makes it easier for people to pay for exactly what they consume.

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What are some examples of databases that can be found on the cloud?

The databases available on the open-source cloud computing platform are as follows:

  • MongoDB
  • CouchDB
  • LucidDB

Can you please elaborate on the meaning and application of the term “EUCALYPTUS” in the context of the cloud?

Elastic Utility Computing Architecture for Your Programs to Useful Systems is what “EUCALYPTUS” stands for.

Eucalyptus is an open-source cloud computing software infrastructure that enables the use of clusters. Cloud infrastructure, including public, hybrid, and private clouds, is eucalyptus’ primary use case. This allows you to convert your on-premises data center into a private cloud, allowing several companies to share in its benefits and take advantage of Eucalyptus’s features.

Define the terms Public, Static, and Void classes

  • The access modifier public indicates that any user can use the method marked with it. A public method is one that can be called from any other class.
  • Static is a Java keyword that indicates the object is a class and can be accessed without first generating an instance of that class.
  • The term “Void” is used to describe a procedure that does not provide any output. So this is the procedure associated with returns.

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What are the “three clouds” that must be present for cloud computing to function?

  • Professional cloud
  • Personal cloud
  • Performance cloud

What are the fundamentals of a cloud’s infrastructure?

  • Technical architecture
  • Reference Architecture
  • Deployment operation architecture

Just what is “CaaS?”

In the realm of telecommunications, the term “Communication as a Service” (or “CaaS”) has become commonplace. Call management, unified messaging, and faxing may all be accessed from a user’s desktop with CaaS.

Why do you think cloud services are beneficial?

The primary benefits of cloud services are as follows:

  • It aids in the efficient application of capital in the business world. Therefore, it saves money.
  • It aids in the creation of applications that are both scalable and robust. Scaling used to take months, but today it just takes weeks.
  • It reduces the amount of time needed for deployment and management.

Read our Cloud Computing Interview Questions, stay away from your fear of attending interviews, and land a high-paying job.

What should users be aware of before committing to a cloud computing platform?

  • Compliance
  • Corruption of data
  • The storage of data
  • Maintenance of Operations
  • Uptime
  • Security of data in the cloud

Explain what Windows Azure is and how it works.

Cloud services deployed on Microsoft’s cloud platform make use of Windows Azure OS. Azure is favored since it has all the necessary components for cloud service hosting. A web server, primary storage, management services, and load balancers make up the runtime environment provided. Before a service is deployed to Windows Azure in the cloud, it can be developed and tested on the Windows Azure system.

What are the most popular cloud-based programs currently available?

Google Docs is one of the best cloud programs since it is both quick and safe to use. Google Docs also has a mobile app so you may access your files from a mobile device. Some other examples of cloud-based software include Pixlr, Phoenix, and Jaycut.

We now offer a cloud computing course in Chennai for those interested in learning more about cloud computing, complete with instruction from experts in the field, real-world examples, practical exercises, and placement assistance to obtain your desired job.

What makes cloud computing the wave of the future?

When the many advantages of cloud computing to businesses are taken into account, it’s easy to see why this model is quickly becoming the norm. Cloud computing provides a solution for future issues such as large data management, cyber security, and internal control.

Artificial intelligence (AI), distributed ledger technology (DLT), and many other capabilities are just some of the cutting-edge innovations that are becoming available to users via cloud computing. Therefore, these technologies benefit from portability, making them easier to use across a range of devices.

Cloud computing was made possible by technological advances such as cloud automation. To further streamline diverse operations, the Industry cloud is being developed to incorporate cloud computing into specific industrial activities. The consensus on cloud computing is that it is an enabling technology that has improved product and service delivery for businesses in a number of different markets.

In cloud computing, what are serverless components?

Cloud computing’s serverless components simplify application development by eliminating the need to monitor and maintain servers. Without access to a server, one can still write code.

Virtual machine and container administration are taken care of by serverless machines. The serverless components also handle multithreading and hardware allocation.

Can you explain the pros and cons of this new serverless computing model?

The benefits and drawbacks of serverless computing are as follows:


  • The price is quite reasonable.
  • In serverless computing, operations are streamlined.
  • Increased output is one benefit of serverless computing.
  • It can be scaled to fit your needs.
  • There is no server administration required.


  • Response delays are possible with serverless applications.
  • Due to its limited resources, it is not suited for intensive computations.
  • The security of serverless computing rests with the service provider rather than the user, who may be more of a target.
  • Serverless code is more difficult to debug.

What are the technologies that enable the cloud?

Cloud-based platforms today draw from many different parts of the information technology landscape. The term “cloud-enabling technologies” describes these tools. Some technologies that make cloud computing possible include:

  • Broadband Networks and Internet Architecture
  • Data Center Technology
  • Multitenant Technology
  • Web Technology
  • (Modern) Virtualization Technology
  • Service Technology

Learn SLA’s Cloud Computing Interview Questions and answers for freshers and experienced to power up your career.

What exactly are microservices, and how do they work?

Applications built using the microservices methodology are composed of the modular, platform- and language-agnostic modules of code. Once developed, a microservice runs a standalone process and interfaces with other services via predefined APIs. So that developers can quickly find the proper service and grasp the governance rules for usage, these services are defined in the form of a catalog.

If you want a genuine cloud environment, you need microservices, but why?

Authentic cloud environments necessitate the use of microservices due to the following four advantages:

  • Because each microservice is designed for a narrow function, application creation is streamlined. Then, small development teams can concentrate on coding the more specific and straightforward features.
  • It will be simpler and quicker to make modifications, whether they be to remedy a problem or upgrade the service to meet new requirements because the code changes will be smaller and less difficult than with a complex integrated program.
  • Having a service that is easily scalable means that you can add more instances or make adjustments as your needs change.
  • Validation and testing of microservices have been completed. The requirement for constant testing is eliminated when new apps are built on top of preexisting ones.

Explain the cloud usage monitor.

The cloud use monitor mechanism is an independent and lightweight piece of software that processes data regarding the consumption of IT resources.

There is more than one shape that a cloud-use monitor can take, all of which are determined by the metrics they are meant to collect and the means through which that data must be gathered. Three typical agent-based implementation formats are outlined below.

  • Resource Agent
  • Monitoring Agent
  • Polling Agent

What kind of cloud activity does the Monitoring Agent keep tabs on?

A monitoring agent is a program that acts as an intermediary and is directed by events, and it resides along the paths currently used for communication.  It keeps tabs on data traffic and examines it openly. The monitoring agent is typically used to track data like network and message metrics.

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How does the Resource Agent track cloud utilization?

The term “resource agent” refers to a processing module that is employed to gather usage data by engaging in event-driven communications with specialized resource applications. Using events such as resource software startup, pause, resume, and vertical scalability, this agent is able to verify use metrics.

How does the Polling Agent track your cloud service?

An IT resource polling agent is a processing module that collects information about cloud service consumption. The availability and performance of IT infrastructure have both been tracked in real-time with the help of the polling agent.

Each of these can be made to send gathered usage info to a log database, where it can be processed further and used to generate reports.

What are some examples of cloud-native software?

Containers, microservices, dynamic orchestration, and continuous delivery are all key components of the “cloud native” software framework. Each component of cloud-native software runs in its own isolated container and communicates with others in real-time to share resources effectively.

What exactly are “cloud-native” applications, according to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation?

Cloud-native is defined in detail by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, which is:

  • Container packed indicates an industry-accepted method of efficiently bundling software. More apps can be crammed into less space if they all use the same container format.
  • A containerized application’s discoverability, deployment, and scalability can all be managed dynamically.
  • Microservices-based refers to an approach of breaking down applications into smaller, more manageable pieces that may communicate with one another using standard protocols.

Definition of “Edge Computing”

The edge and the cloud work well together. These two things belong to the larger category of the distributed cloud. More and more organizations are including edge computing in their larger cloud strategies.

When it comes to latency and location, edge computing has nothing to do with the cloud. The advantages of a centralized system are combined with those of distributed operations at the point of connection between devices and people, known as the “edge.”

The “edge” is a popular place in the Internet of Things setups. In contrast to the edge, cloud computing has never been about where it is located. Instead, mobility without regard to physical location has always been the driving force.

Typical deployments combine cloud and edge, with the former having the authority to run and define the latter’s architecture.

The API Gateway: What Is It?

A unified user experience can be provided by a group of APIs through the usage of an API gateway. This ensures the consistency of every API call. The API gateway is responsible for centrally managing the APIs and providing enterprise-level security. The API gateway can manage the routine operations of the API services. Services like statistics collection, rate limitation, and user authentication fall under this category.

What do you mean when you say “Rate Limiting”?

Through the use of Rate Limiting, network traffic can be controlled. The rate-limiting functionality is client-side rather than server-side. It keeps tabs on the intervals between requests and the IP addresses used.

Some potentially harmful or suspicious actions can be prevented. Rate Limiting is also useful for blocking bots that disrupt a website. This safeguards against API abuse, which must be avoided at all costs.

In cloud computing, what do you mean by the term “encapsulation”?

A container is a set of files that contains an application’s source code and any other resources it needs to execute properly in a cloud or locally. Encapsulation refers to the practice of putting pieces of code together. Developers benefit from encapsulation because it allows them to write code once rather than tailoring it to each environment in which it will run.

Which Data Centers are used for cloud computing, and why?

The “cloud” in “cloud computing” refers to a network of disparate data centers operating in tandem. It includes facilities like these data centers:

  • Server Rooms in a Box
  • Inconsistent Data Center Density
  • Data centers that are shipped in containers.

Conventional data centers, known as Containerized Data Centers, provide extensive room for modifying servers, mainframes, and other infrastructure. Accessing and using these calls for preparation, cooling, networking, and power.


In order to better prepare you for a cloud computing interview, we have compiled a list of frequently asked cloud computing interview questions.

Now that we’ve covered everything, we can conclude our cloud computing interview questions and answers. Good luck with your interview and I hope these questions about cloud computing are useful for you.

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