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Blue Prism Interview Questions

Published On: August 27, 2022


When it comes to intelligent enterprise automation, Blue Prism is a global pioneer. Blue Prism makes it easier for people to automate processes, which benefits enterprises by increasing operational speed and effectiveness.

Many well-known companies throughout the world are offering many different kinds of job opportunities related to robotic process automation. According to industry forecasts, the RPA market will expand from $180 million in 2017 to more than $10 billion in 2022. As a result, Blue Prism Development offers you the chance to advance your career.

Here is a complete collection of the most often requested Blue Prism interview questions and answers if you intend to apply for an RPA or Blue Prism developer career.

1. How do you define Blue Prism?

Blue Prism is a piece of software that creates enterprise robotic process automation (RPA), enabling companies to automate difficult, full-circle processes.

The idea for the Virtual Workforce Platform was created by Blue Prism, which also develops a robust, incredibly scalable, secure, and dependable business robotic process automation platform.By deploying an adaptable virtual workforce that adheres to rule-based business processes and communicates with systems in a manner similar to that of users, Blue Prism’s software augments conventional IT solutions.

With a lower initial investment and quicker implementation, Blue Prism’s RPA software solution automates processes that would normally be completed manually by humans or through substantial customization of existing IT systems.

2. Describe the many tab kinds in the Blue Prism dashboard.

On Blue Prism, there are six different categories of tabs, as follows:


Numerous charts on the front page provide details about the blue prism database.

A few of the charts include:
  • Workforce Availability Measure

This metric shows what run-time resources you are using.

  • Total Automation

Total Automation displays the database’s queue and automation counts.

  • Queue Volumes

Based on status, queue volumes are now displayed.

  • Largest Database Tables

These tables display the biggest ones in the blue prism database.


The Blue Prism Studio is a crucial tool that we use to create real automation tasks. The Following phases can accomplish exception handling with the studio. Writing no code, combining reasoning, computations, and intelligence.

You may drag the blocks into actions, loops, calculations, and more in the studio and join the blocks in any desired order.

Utilize informed digital exchange skills. You may find pre-made talents to improve your automation using machine learning, language translation, AI, and many other tools on the digital exchange.

The studios are separated into two groups:

  • Object Studio and
  • Process Studio.

Digital staff will receive the processes from the control room. Dragging a process to a resource makes it easy for users to get it going immediately.

The main administrative hub for Blue Prism is the control room, where it manages the scheduling, execution, monitoring, and management of process implementations on dispersed bots.


You may visualize data using charts like pie, doughnut, column, bar, gauge, and line using the Blue Prism Analytics module.


The management of configuration package import and export between various blue prism settings is handled by the release manager.


The system tab is used by administrators to manage users.

3. What are the characteristics of Blue Prism?

The following are some of Blue Prism’s characteristics:

Intelligence in Execution Technology

The autonomous engine can be programmed with process priorities by organizations, fed with workloads, and left to operate autonomously while adapting to new systems, business circumstances, and preferences. Similar to humans, robots can be utilized to perform jobs based on SLA, volume, and priority and automatically adapt and change robot allocation.

Microsoft SQL Server (Compatible with numerous platforms)

They used the Microsoft.NET framework to construct Blue Prism. WPF SAPTechnically speaking, it is adaptable and compatible with a variety of platforms and technologies, including a mainframe, Java, Exchange, SAP, custom apps, thick client, Citrix, thin client, windows app, web services, etc.

High Security

In a safe, non-intrusive environment, a software robot safely logs into an application and tries to manipulate the design pattern in the same way that a person would, making sure that the quality of the application is never compromised.

Cloud-Based or on-premises

Enterprise deployment options include on-premises, hybrid, and public/private cloud provisioning.

The robots are operational and present. Any operation defined in Blue Prism can be performed on any number of robots participating in the virtual workforce.


Because Blue Prism is object-oriented, it can scale quickly thanks to the use of libraries and reusable components.

Reporting and Analytics

By recording each step, Blue Prism offers high-quality data that can be used to generate pertinent BI and MI reporting, as well as integrated process metrics and real-time operational analytics.

Work queues

Work Queues is a queue-centric method for dynamically regulating the number of Resources, or Robots, working against a particular queue, giving users the freedom to cooperatively alter the number of resources allotted to work items in the queue in line with business requirements.

4.What is Process Studio, exactly?

The business or IT can design, construct, edit, and test processes using reusable Blue Prism components with the help of Process Studio. The Process layer is the top tier of the “Blue Prism” architecture which can be used to schedule and manage actions as the library of business objects expands.

You may sequence and test business logic, variables, control loops, and object calls in Process Studio, which has a user interface comparable to Object Studio.

The ability to trigger objects and actions to run applications, automate rules-based processes, and implement business logic makes Blue Prism practises similar to software procedures.

5. Describe Object Studio.

By modeling existing applications and educating Blue Prism as a robotic user, Object Studio enables business users or IT specialists to design reusable Blue Prism Objects as the basic components for the company operations.

The design canvas known as Object Studio is where you program the Blue Prism robot to carry out the essential system operations that form the basis of processes. The target desktop application is swiftly modeled and validated by the presentation layer, which also supplies a library of operating elements.

6. What is the control room, exactly?

Control rooms enable organizations or IT services to plan, carry out, and manage procedures. The Control Room interface is used by Blue Prism platform managers to keep an eye on and assess the condition of the associated runtime resources in the operating system.

Additionally, the interface enables automated process timetable creation, manual process start and stop, full management information access, and deep dives into Blue Prism process queues.

It controls operations in a production setting from the control room. From this point, processes are not executed on a desktop-based copy of Blue Prism but rather on external resources called digital workers, which can be found in the resources section.

7. How do you define the environment variable?

The environment variable is a sort of data item exposure that can quickly alter the value of the data item without utilizing the processor object. It is accessible in the process section of the system tab.

8. What data formats does Blue Prism support?

Data items have the ability to hold a variety of data types, but each data item in a process must be given a particular data type to store.

The Blue Prism supports the following data types:

  • Binary,
  • Number,
  • Date,
  • Text,
  • Flag,
  • Password,
  • DateTime,
  • Time, and
  • Timespan.

9. Describe the Wait Stage

Business objects can halt and wait for an application to load or for a condition to be satisfied before proceeding by using a “Wait stage.”

To determine whether a condition is met within a given time frame, wait conditions may be applied to “Wait stages.”

The “Wait” condition generates a flag value, which determines which of the two branches of logic will be followed. Every object diagram that communicates with an application should begin with a conditional “Wait Stage.”

By including extra rows in the actions section of the “Wait Stage” properties window, it is possible to specify numerous wait conditions for a single “Wait Stage.”

Each “Wait condition” is simultaneously checked throughout the “Wait stage”. It is not necessary for all wait criteria to be satisfied; if just one is, the path will be chosen. The action will time out if none of the wait requirements are satisfied.

10. Describe the advantages of Blue Prism.

Automation Rate

Processes that would take months or years to automate using conventional automation approaches can be done in days or weeks using a blue prism.

Less spending

Robots are used to drive current applications after being programmed with the business rules of routine clerical tasks. This eliminates the need for expensive interface and process re-design skills.

Enhancing Performance

Training, referral management, and performance enhancement are all handled by a small group of IT specialists working with the robotic workforce.


Securing, auditing, and overseeing the robotic automation platform is all done through an information technology (IT) corridor. The use of software robots invariably improves secrecy, record-keeping efficiency, and adherence to appropriate data standards.


Because the software robots work in a virtual server, it is possible to swiftly scale them up or down in response to changes in demand.

11.What does Blue Prism’s exception handling entail?

A key element of any blue prism solution is exception management. An issue that arises while a process or object is being used is known as an exception. The blue prism produces exceptions when errors happen.

Exception handling is the term you use to describe the handling of exceptions in unsupervised automation. It makes sure that errors can, where possible, be automatically rectified, that system managers can quickly identify and correct them, or that, if needed, it can submit errors for human completion. The success of exception handling depends on how well it is used across development.

12.Describe the various steps in exception handling.

You can handle exceptions by taking the steps below:

Recovery: Starts an exception-handling block.

Resume: Finishes a block used to handle exceptions.

Exception: Raises an exception explicitly while a process or object is in use.

13.Describe the uses of Blue Prism.

The following process types employ Blue Prism’s RPA software.

  • Using structured digital inputs for rules-based processing, such as for fraud detection or credit card activation
  • repetitive transactional operations, like SIM swaps or invoicing processing
  • High transaction volumes, like processing orders for new phones or billing
  • Issues with process quality or adherence, such as those involving policy migrations or renewals
  • Financial consolidation and other difficult/mission-critical processes, such as pension redemptions
  • Demand shifts or backlogs brought on by the introduction of new products
  • Utilized while launching a new online product or in onboarding HR when there is no integration

14. Describe the role of an application modeler. What are the various surveillance techniques that are supported by it?

In order for a Blue Prism Process to be able to use an application, a Business Object must interface with the application. You must develop an Application Model to link the Business Object to the application in order to create the integration. Within Object Studio, the Application Modeller may accomplish this. Recognizing and capturing Elements from the application’s user interface can produce a logical representation of an application. This is known as spying.

There are four distinct spying modes, including:

  • Win32Mode
  • HTML Mode
  • Accessibility Mode
  • Region Mode

15. What does the blue prism’s circular paths mean?

Blue Prism automates routine tasks, and the Circular Paths looping process diagrams allow for the repetition of some phases. The following elements are crucial for creating a circular path, which will enable a process flow to loop through before continuing once the loop limit is reached:

  • To limit the loop, use a data item.
  • The current loop count is stored in a data item.
  • Counting loops in the calculation stage.
  • Making a decision to manage the flow.
  • The majority of Stages only have one outgoing link, but there is no restriction on how many inbound links a stage can have.

16. Describe the various Blue Prism exception types.

There are three categories of exceptions in Blue Prism, including:

Internal Exceptions : When required data is lacking in stages, internal exceptions can happen.

System Exceptions: If the server is down, our bot needs the internet, or the system malfunctions, there may be a system exception.

Business Exceptions: Business exceptions don’t really fit the definition of an exception. Instead, you make the exclusions in accordance with the business rules. Using the bot, you must manually fire at the target.

17. What are work queues, exactly?

Using a work queue, a process can keep track of the number of tasks it has to complete and prioritize them. Work queues can be used by a single process, or numerous processes might share a work queue if needed.

Work Queues are established and customized in the System Manager’s Workflow Area. Here, a Name and a Key Name can be given to the Work Queues.

When a new item is added to a Work Queue, a specific column in the Collection Stage is referred to as “Key Name.”

When a new item is added, its value will be displayed in the Item Key column in the Control Room’s Queue Management area.

18. Describe the process studio’s steps.

The following are some of the steps used in the process studio:

Decision Stages

Two branches emerge from decision stages, allowing a process to divide into two distinct directions. They are employed to determine whether the outcome of an expression is Yes (True) or No (False).

You refer to these outcomes as Flags in Blue Prism. The decision stage can incorporate data items from earlier stages as part of the decision logic.

Calculation Stages

Expressions are used to calculate values. These can be built with numbers or values like text, dates, etc. They rely on data pieces to store outcomes. They are able to do calculations using data elements.

Data Points

serve as placeholders for variables like text, dates, and integers. can be used across the process diagram and given names that have meaning, such as “Username.” A variable is similar to a data item.

19. Describe Process Validation.

The Process Validation window is opened for problem diagnosis using the Validation button. Issues are classified as Warning, Error, or Advice in the Validation box, along with the sort of action that should be performed to address them and whether Blue Prism is capable of fixing them.

Validation examines a Process Diagram’s fundamental design, but it is unable to examine its reasoning. The user is always responsible for this.

The precise stage that causes the problem is highlighted by the go-to stage button. Use the help button to look for solutions to problems. Process diagrams should be validated on a frequent basis, including each time they are saved and closed.

20. Describe the Blue Prism collections and loops.

  • When process diagrams gain from having the capacity to retain a large number of values together, a collection stage may be employed.
  • A Loop Stage is used to iteratively access the values stored in a Collection Stage by accessing each row individually.
  • Dot notation is used to refer to collections in expressions, and loop stages have two components: loop start and loop end.

21. Outline the Concept of Business Objects

A business object’s function is to offer an interface for capturing an application’s functionality. Business Objects, which are utilised as a component of process solutions, can be viewed as a different process layer.

A Business Object’s tasks are broken up into different pages, or “Actions,” which are arranged in a flat structure without regard to any particular hierarchy.

Each Action is associated with a specific connection with an application, and a Process will use any necessary Actions, in any combination, to complete a given task inside the application.

22. Describe the differences between Process and Object Studio.

Process Studio
  • The development tool converts it into a diagram that appears to be a flow diagram.
  • Stages: In Process Studio, you have a stage called Alert.
  • You possess the home page.
  • Process communicates with the control room and object studio.
  • There is no Launch and Application Modeller available.
Object Studio
  • Use the development tool to graphically create objects.
  • Stages: reading, writing, navigating, coding, and waiting
  • You need to initialize the page and clean it up.
  • Object Studio communicates with third-party apps
  • There is an available launch and application modeler.

23. Describe the Blue Prism throttles and unconditional waits

Throttling is the usage of Wait Stages without any constraints, with timeout acting as a pause to slow the flow through the diagram. This gives some extra time to account for an application’s varying performance speed. Every action page engaging with an application should include Throttling at the onset.

It is possible to keep the timeout length for all of the action pages that are contained within a business object by using a global data item. This makes it much simpler to adjust the Wait times in accordance with the performance of the application. The ideal scenario is to construct a specific Global Throttle Data Item.

24. How to configure a scheduler and what it is?

The Blue Prism tool enables process execution at certain times and repeats it at different intervals. A scheduler is the name of this process.

The Scheduling option on the System tab allows you to customize the scheduler. You must select the check box after configuring the scheduler in order to make it active.

You have a retry possibility in the scheduler’s resilience section if the resource is unavailable. You can choose how many times and for how many seconds you want to attempt again.

25.Detail Blue Prism’s Release Manager.

Users can create a Package by assembling all of the Blue Prism Solution’s components using the Blue Prism Release Manager. This Process covers Tiles, Schedules, Calendars,and Dashboards in addition to Business Objects, Processes and Work Queues.

Blue Prism allows users to export certain processes or business objects as XML files, which may then be imported back into the software. This might be helpful for transferring, distributing, and backing up individual Blue Prism Solution components between databases.

A Blue Prism Solution should always be migrated as a Package or Release because it is a collection of related Processes, Business Objects, and Work Queues.

To export a Solution Package, choose New Package from the context menu when you right-click the Package Overview. Each component in a package is represented by a snapshot called a release that captures its state at a specific time.At several points of a Blue Prism Solution development cycle, Releases are imported and exported between databases.

26. How can an item be created in an object studio?

The following are the stages involved in creating an object in object studio:

  • Open the studio tab after starting the Blue Prism software.
  • Create an object by doing a right-click on an object.
  • Give the new business object a name.
  • Type a description here (optional)
  • It will add a new object to the list of objects.

27. How Do you Improve VBO into Blue Prism

The following are the steps to import VBO into Blue Prism:

  • Click File | Import from within Blue Prism Studio.
  • The dialogue box for Import Release appears. To find the file to import, click Browse.
  • Open Program Files (C:) and look for Blue Prism Limited.
  • VBO appears under Blue Prism Automate.
  • Double-click the BPA Object file to open it after finding it.
  • The database receives the file for import.

28. Explain the idea of exception bubbling 

Throughout the course of a Process Solution, exceptions can happen at any time. Anywhere an exception happens, it always advances to the highest tier of the Process Solution, which is the Main Page of the Process.

An exception will continue to move up the hierarchy of a calling Process’s Pages until it reaches a Page that is responsible for recovery. This process begins when an action triggers an exception in a business object and continues until it reaches a page containing recovery logic. This is the point at which the Exception is dealt with.

When the process is performed in the process studio, an error message window will display if the process solution’s main page, which is the uppermost layer, does not contain the logic necessary to handle the error. A procedure will stop if the same thing happens when it is being executed in the control room.

29. Describe the Blue Prism Input and Output Parameters

Values are transmitted between the Process Diagram and the Business Object Action via input and output parameters.

Business objects have no values stored in them. Any value that must be entered into an application’s Elements should therefore be transmitted from a Process via an input parameter. For the duration of the engagement, the information handed down to the Business Object should be deleted.

In order to get the value from the lower page’s end-stage, the higher page’s Page Reference Stage needs to be configured. Sending a value to an upper-page reference stage is possible using output parameters on the lower-page end-stage.


This article would have given you some insight into the kinds of questions asked during Blue Prism interviews and how to answer them. Do you have any particular queries you would want to ask us? Please add any questions or comments you may have about the Blue Prism Interview Questions in the comments area. Our specialists will respond to you as soon as they can!

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