Software Training Institute in Chennai with 100% Placements – SLA Institute

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Mobile Application Development Course Syllabus

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Enroll in our Mobile Application Course at SLA Institute, the leading institute for Mobile App Development Training in Chennai. Our comprehensive syllabus includes Android and iOS development, UI/UX design, and app deployment. Learn to build and launch mobile apps using popular frameworks like React Native and Flutter. Through hands-on projects, you will gain practical skills in mobile app development and design. With our Mobile Application Course with 100% Placement Support, you’ll be fully prepared for a successful career in mobile app development. SLA Institute provides expert training and support, equipping you with the skills needed for roles in mobile development. Join our Mobile Application Course to enhance your abilities, build confidence, and secure excellent job opportunities. Begin your career in mobile app development with SLA Institute.

Course Syllabus

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Prior Experience With Java Or Java Training
  • Provides clear instructions backed by real-world programming examples
  • Classes, Instances, Variables
  • Begins with the basics and covers everything Android 4 developers need to know for both smartphones and tablets
  • Explains how to customize activities and intents, create rich user interfaces, and manage data
  • Variable Types, Conditionals and Loops
  • Helps you work with SMS and messaging APIs, the Android SDK, and using location-based services
  • Details how to package and publish your applications to the Android Market
  • This course pares down the most essential steps you need to know so you can start creating Android applications today.
Introducing The Android Platform
  • Establishing the development environment
  • Analyzing components of the architecture
Leveraging Application Fundamentals
  • Creating activities to process user input
  • Implementing views to build the User Interface (UI)
  • Packaging applications for deployment
  • Developing unit tests
Supporting Asynchronous Behavior
  • Performing background tasks with services
  • Communicating with intents
Creating User Interfaces
  • Building the layout
  • Connecting a view to an activity
  • Positioning form elements
Working With Resource Declarations
  • Declaring component definitions and layouts
  • Handling multiple screen resolutions
  • Localizing applications
Processing User Input
  • Creating and displaying Toast
  • Generating status bar notifications
  • Logging key application events
Interacting With The UI
  • Responding to user input events
  • Launching activities with intents
  • Writing Java event handlers
  • Generating context and option menus
Managing The Activity Life Cycle
  • Integrating with the Android system
  • Persisting data in response to notifications
Persisting Application Data
  • Contrasting internal and external storage locations
  • Saving application configuration with SharedPreferences
Manipulating The SQLite Database
  • Executing queries to locate information
  • Specifying column selections with projections
Consuming And Creating Content Providers
  • Accessing shared data resources
  • Addressing content providers with URIs
Maintaining System Responsiveness
  • Unloading the UI thread
  • Designing for asynchronous execution
Building Background Services
  • Launching IntentServices
  • Declaring services in the manifest
Exchanging Data Over The Internet
  • Synchronizing Android devices with servers
  • Communicating via HTTP clients
Developing Clients For Web Services
  • Connecting to RESTful services
  • Creating and parsing JSON

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