Software Training Institute in Chennai with 100% Placements – SLA Institute

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Datascience Training in Chennai

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Data Science Training in Chennai is the topmost priority of candidates to acquire a promising career in various fields. We have global-recognized Data Science Courses in Chennai that help the students to gain expertise in scientific methods, algorithms, and processes to extract meaningful insights from raw data. Get a satisfying hands-on exposure to various specializations of data science in our Data Science Training Institute in Chennai with 100% Placement Assistance.

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Hands On Training
3-5 Real Time Projects
60-100 Practical Assignments
3+ Assessments / Mock Interviews
October 2024
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2 Hours Real Time Interactive Technical Training 

1 Hour Aptitude 

1 Hour Communication & Soft Skills

(Suitable for Fresh Jobseekers / Non IT to IT transition)

Course Fee
October 2024
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4 Hours Real Time Interactive Technical Training

(Suitable for working IT Professionals)

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Job-Centered Approach


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Online & Classroom



This Course Includes

  • FREE Demo Class
  • 0% EMI Loan Facilities
  • FREE Softskill & Placement Training
  • Tie up with more than 500+ MNCs & Medium Level Companies
  • 100% FREE Placement Assistance
  • Course Completion Certificate
  • Training with Real Time Projects
  • Industry-Based Coaching By MNC IT Professionals
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Expected Criteria for Assured Placement

The following criteria help the placement team guide the candidates to get placed immediately after the course completion through SLA Institute.

  • 80% of coursework completion helps us arrange interviews in required companies.
  • 2 or 3 projects to be done for the selected course to ace the technical round effectively.
  • Ensure attending the placement training right from the first day of the selected course.
  • Practice well with resume building, soft skill, aptitude skill, and profile strengthening.
  • Utilize the internship training program at SLA for the complete technical skills.
  • Collect the course completion certificate and update the copy to the placement team.
  • Ensure your performance indicator meets the expectation of top companies.
  • Always be ready with the updated resume that includes project details done at SLA.
  • Enjoy unlimited interview arrangements along with internal mock interviews.
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+91 89256 88858

SLA's Distinctive Placement Approach


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Assignments & Projects


Grooming sessions


Mock Interviews



Best Data science Training in Chennai

In the earlier days, the data that we possessed was not big in size. Moreover, it was structured and simple. Business Intelligence tools could do the work of analyzing. Nowadays the scenario has changed drastically. There is the presence of unstructured or semi-structured nature in most of the data. Simple BI tools cannot analyze such big data. So there arises the need for advanced evaluation tools and rules for gauging and bringing out meaningful ideas from data. Hidden patterns are found out from the raw data with the help of data science.

Objectives of Data Science Training in Chennai

Don’t be intimidated by people saying that data science is a difficult course and it needs big skills to learn it. Even if you are fresh out of college you can pursue it from the Best Data Science Training Institute in Chennai. By now, when you think of taking up data science course, you would definitely have some programming knowledge. And add to that good analytical skills and brushing up your mathematical skills. This is all that it takes to pursue the data science course in Chennai. If you need, you can do internship also from SLA Institute. Keeping the holistic growth of the candidate, the objectives of data science training in Chennai are as follows:

  • To enrich the students with all the required knowledge of data science
  • To provide guidance in such a way that the student not only becomes proficient in technical skills but also is equipped with the life skills
  • To impart job-related knowledge to the aspiring students 
  • To teach in such a way that the students learn quicker and within the course duration
  • To assist the student in getting placements in renowned companies. 
  • To provide the students with the needed support to accelerate the career planning process 
  • To make the students industry-ready through personality development, resume preparation, group discussion, sharpening interview skills, aptitude training, mock interviews etc. 

Achieve Your Goals With SLA

SLA builds your future with comprehensive coursework and unparalleled placement support.
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Datascience Course Syllabus

Download Syllabus
  • Introduction to Data Analytics
  • Introduction to Business Analytics
  • Understanding Business Applications
  • Data types and data Models
  • Type of Business Analytics
  • Evolution of Analytics
  • Data Science Components
  • Data Scientist Skillset
  • Univariate Data Analysis
  • Introduction to Sampling
Basic Operations in R Programming
  • Introduction to R programming
  • Types of Objects in R
  • Naming standards in R
  • Creating Objects in R
  • Data Structure in R
  • Matrix, Data Frame, String, Vectors
  • Understanding Vectors & Data input in R
  • Lists, Data Elements
  • Creating Data Files using R
Data Handling in R Programming
  • Basic Operations in R – Expressions, Constant Values, Arithmetic, Function Calls, Symbols
  • Sub-setting Data
  • Selecting (Keeping) Variables
  • Excluding (Dropping) Variables
  • Selecting Observations and Selection using Subset Function
  • Merging Data
  • Sorting Data
  • Adding Rows
  • Visualization using R
  • Data Type Conversion
  • Built-In Numeric Functions
  • Built-In Character Functions
  • User Built Functions
  • Control Structures
  • Loop Functions
Introduction to Statistics
  • Basic Statistics
  • Measure of central tendency
  • Types of Distributions
  • Anova
  • F-Test
  • Central Limit Theorem & applications
  • Types of variables
  • Relationships between variables
  • Central Tendency
  • Measures of Central Tendency
  • Kurtosis
  • Skewness
  • Arithmetic Mean / Average
  • Merits & Demerits of Arithmetic Mean
  • Mode, Merits & Demerits of Mode
  • Median, Merits & Demerits of Median
  • Range
  • Concept of Quantiles, Quartiles, percentile
  • Standard Deviation
  • Variance
  • Calculate Variance
  • Covariance
  • Correlation
Introduction to Statistics – 2
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Multiple Linear Regression
  • Logistic Regression
  • Market Basket Analysis
  • Clustering (Hierarchical Clustering & K-means Clustering)
  • Classification (Decision Trees)
  • Time Series Analysis (Simple Moving Average, Exponential smoothing, ARIMA+)
Introduction to Probability
  • Standard Normal Distribution
  • Normal Distribution
  • Geometric Distribution
  • Poisson Distribution
  • Binomial Distribution
  • Parameters vs. Statistics
  • Probability Mass Function
  • Random Variable
  • Conditional Probability and Independence
  • Unions and Intersections
  • Finding Probability of dataset
  • Probability Terminology
  • Probability Distributions
Data Visualization Techniques
  • Bubble Chart
  • Sparklines
  • Waterfall chart
  • Box Plot
  • Line Charts
  • Frequency Chart
  • Bimodal & Multimodal Histograms
  • Histograms
  • Scatter Plot
  • Pie Chart
  • Bar Graph
  • Line Graph
Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Overview & Terminologies
  • What is Machine Learning?
  • Why Learn?
  • When is Learning required?
  • Data Mining
  • Application Areas and Roles
  • Types of Machine Learning
  • Supervised Learning
  • Unsupervised Learning
  • Reinforcement learning
Machine Learning Concepts & Terminologies

Steps in developing a Machine Learning application

  • Key tasks of Machine Learning
  • Modelling Terminologies
  • Learning a Class from Examples
  • Probability and Inference
  • PAC (Probably Approximately Correct) Learning
  • Noise
  • Noise and Model Complexity
  • Triple Trade-Off
  • Association Rules
  • Association Measures
Regression Techniques
  • Concept of Regression
  • Best Fitting line
  • Simple Linear Regression
  • Building regression models using excel
  • Coefficient of determination (R- Squared)
  • Multiple Linear Regression
  • Assumptions of Linear Regression
  • Variable transformation
  • Reading coefficients in MLR
  • Multicollinearity
  • VIF
  • Methods of building Linear regression model in R
  • Model validation techniques
  • Cooks Distance
  • Q-Q Plot
  • Durbin- Watson Test
  • Kolmogorov-Smirnof Test
  • Homoskedasticity of error terms
  • Logistic Regression
  • Applications of logistic regression
  • Concept of odds
  • Concept of Odds Ratio
  • Derivation of logistic regression equation
  • Interpretation of logistic regression output
  • Model building for logistic regression
  • Model validations
  • Confusion Matrix
  • Concept of ROC/AOC Curve
  • KS Test
Market Basket Analysis
  • Applications of Market Basket Analysis
  • What is association Rules
  • Overview of Apriori algorithm
  • Key terminologies in MBA
  • Support
  • Confidence
  • Lift
  • Model building for MBA
  • Transforming sales data to suit MBA
  • MBA Rule selection
  • Ensemble modelling applications using MBA
Time Series Analysis (Forecasting)
  • Model building using ARIMA, ARIMAX, SARIMAX
  • Data De-trending & data differencing
  • KPSS Test
  • Dickey Fuller Test
  • Concept of stationarity
  • Model building using exponential smoothing
  • Model building using simple moving average
  • Time series analysis techniques
  • Components of time series
  • Prerequisites for time series analysis
  • Concept of Time series data
  • Applications of Forecasting
Decision Trees using R
  • Understanding the Concept
  • Internal decision nodes
  • Terminal leaves.
  • Tree induction: Construction of the tree
  • Classification Trees
  • Entropy
  • Selecting Attribute
  • Information Gain
  • Partially learned tree
  • Overfitting
  • Causes for over fitting
  • Overfitting Prevention (Pruning) Methods
  • Reduced Error Pruning
  • Decision trees – Advantages & Drawbacks
  • Ensemble Models
K Means Clustering
  • Parametric Methods Recap
  • Clustering
  • Direct Clustering Method
  • Mixture densities
  • Classes v/s Clusters
  • Hierarchical Clustering
  • Dendogram interpretation
  • Non-Hierarchical Clustering
  • K-Means
  • Distance Metrics
  • K-Means Algorithm
  • K-Means Objective
  • Color Quantization
  • Vector Quantization
Tableau Analytics
  • Tableau Introduction
  • Data connection to Tableau
  • Calculated fields, hierarchy, parameters, sets, groups in Tableau
  • Various visualizations Techniques in Tableau
  • Map based visualization using Tableau
  • Reference Lines
  • Adding Totals, sub totals, Captions
  • Advanced Formatting Options
  • Using Combined Field
  • Show Filter & Use various filter options
  • Data Sorting
  • Create Combined Field
  • Table Calculations
  • Creating Tableau Dashboard
  • Action Filters
  • Creating Story using Tableau
Analytics using Tableau
  • Clustering using Tableau
  • Time series analysis using Tableau
  • Simple Linear Regression using Tableau

Project Practices on Datascience Training

Project 1Fake News Detection

Build a project to detect the fake and real news exactly using Passive Aggressive Classifier and it is useful for beginners.

Project 2Parkinson Disease Detection

Develop a model to detect Parkinson’s disease for the improvement of healthcare and its services along with Python.

Project 3Speech Emotion Recognition

Create a project with SER library to recognize speech emotions along with the analyzing of tone and pitch of speakers.

Project 4Image Caption Generator

Create a project with Python and deep learning concepts along with Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for clients.

Future Scope of Data Science Training in Chennai

Best Data Science Training Course in Chennai assists students in solving difficult analytic problems. Being a blend of technology, data interference and algorithm, data science assists the users to produce huge business value. When the student imbibes the concept of data science, he/she tries to comprehend data patterns and explore details and findings from specific data sets.

By means of the training program at SLA, there is assurance that the students are well-trained and possess adequate specialization in mathematics and statistics. Moreover, the candidate will gain amazing business knowledge. Both students and working professionals can gain from the teaching at SLA.

The requirement of Data Science professionals is increasing rapidly as it is fast-evolving technology that simplifies the daily life of people around the world. The high amount of data generation is the main reason for this demand and it needs experts to work on gaining useful information from the collected data. We offer the Best Data Science Course in Chennai by industry expert faculties who are working in this field and they gather what is needed currently in this sector to update the curriculum. Following are the reasons to prove that the data science course will bring a good career for the learners.

Companies require handling a large amount of data

Data is being collected every minute by companies and global businesses through transactions or interactions. It leads companies to face the challenge of analyzing and categorizing the collected raw data and they found it is the most difficult to handle them manually. There comes the data scientist as a savior who can handle them efficiently by algorithms, processes, and procedures for increasing the productivity of businesses. Learn how it helps businesses through our Data Science Training in Chennai.

Continuous update of data privacy regulations

Developed countries like Europe and California are updating their GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) for the protection of their citizen’s data. It leads companies and data scientists to store and regulate data very much responsibly and adequately. They have to keep safe their user’s data against breaches and malefic access of hackers. It requires experts to handle the data with a high-level protection system that eliminates unauthorized access. Become a master in data protection technologies that help the nations by enrolling in our Data Science Training Institute in Chennai.

Constant evolving of data science technologies

Data science is the inevitable field worldwide that simplifies human living by faster access and data protection. This shows the significant need for evolution with new technologies and tools that create opportunities for newbies. Data science has a wide range of branches that includes Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data, Cloud Computing, RPA
and IoT development. The learners have a wide range of options to choose the subfield as per their career goal. Our education managers will explain them comprehensively in our Data Science Training Center in Chennai at SLA.

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Prerequisites for learning Data science Training in Chennai

The learning of the Data Science Course in Chennai requires the fundamental knowledge of analytical tools like SQL, Excel, or Tableau to begin their career in a data science field. It also requires programming skills, logical programming, and functions and loops knowledge for working professionals to enhance their career effectively in the data science field. However, we provide comprehensive Data Science Training in Chennai from scratch for beginners with the customized Data Science Course Syllabus. They require the following skills to start their career.

  • Basics of computer applications
  • Acquainted with the fundamental maths and statistical concepts

Want to learn with a personalized course curriculum?

The Placement Process at SLA Institute

  • To Foster the employability skills among the students
  • Making the students future-ready
  • Career counseling as and when needed
  • Provide equal chances to all students
  • Providing placement help even after completing the course
On Average Students Rated The Datascience Course 4.90/5.0

I have attended Data Science Course in Chennai at SLA after my engineering graduation as I thought it will be useful to begin my career. The trainers were taking classes patiently and it helped them to understand the concepts easily. They gave me enough time to work out the tasks and guided me throughout the course along with project practices. I thank Janani mam for providing me placement training and it helped to clear the interview rounds of top companies. Overall, good experience at SLA Institute.

RagunathData Architect

Hi, I am Minu. I was working as a software developer in the .Net field. I wanted to upgrade my career in AI and I have joined SLA for Data Science Course in Chennai. It was really a wonderful experience and I have got what is needed for my career enhancement. SLA has excellent trainers and superb placement support to help my career growth. The class and lab atmosphere is very nice and they gave me a lot of time to practice. Thanks a lot, SLA.

Minu GoergeData Analyst

SLA Institute is the best platform to learn Data Science Training in Chennai. The course content is well-structured by industry experts and it is meticulously framed with balanced theory and practical concepts. The trainers at SLA are skilled in every area related to data science profiles and they provide complete hands-on exposure throughout the course. I recommend SLA Institute for beginners and working professionals for their career upliftment.

Ravi GowathanML Engineer

I have joined SLA to begin my career in the data science field and I am really admired for their teaching and coaching. They have a very good course curriculum and they explain the concepts superbly. The placement faculty Ms.Janani helped in providing good coaching and interview arrangements. It helps me getting placed in a good company. All thanks to SLA and the team.

Gowri ManvaniData Scientist

My data science training at SLA went well with the satisfying job in a good company. I have learned what is needed for a job. SLA has very good course content for data science and skilled trainers to offer the best coaching with hands-on sessions. I got excellent guidance for placement things through Janani Mam along with many interview arrangements. Overall I am very happy in learning at SLA.

Shankar ReddyBI Developer

Who should attend our Data Sciecne Training Institute in Chennai?

Any aspiring candidate with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Statistics, Physical Science etc
However, Data Science courses in Chennai can be pursued by candidates who are coming from mathematics, statistics, and computer science degree background. They can develop their skills in various options like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Deep Learning, Hadoop, Data Analytics, Data Visualization, and IoT developments. Data Science knowledge empowers and enhances the careers of interested learners with tremendous job opportunities. Enjoy learning in our Data Science Training Institute in Chennai with 100% Placement Assistance as we have personalized classes with a customized curriculum to shine in the data science industry effectively.

Job Profile in Data Science Course in Chennai

Data Science is the in-demand field that creates tremendous job opportunities for freshers and working professionals with boundless career options. Our Data Science Training and Placement Training Institute in Chennai equip the learners with the required industry skills for working efficiently in the following popular profiles of top companies.

  • Business Intelligence Developer
  • They are responsible to use business intelligence software to display and interact with data for their company. They should have to create tools according to the current data requirements for the improvement of the research process. Enhance your skills in our Data Science Training in Chennai.

  • Data Architect
  • They are concerned with data management processes such as designing, creating, deploying, and managing the organization. It is the best career option for newbies to have the ability to design systems and operations for required processes. Learn the best Data Science Course in Chennai at SLA.

  • Data Analyst
  • They are responsible for gathering, cleansing, and analyze datasets to help resolve the problems of the organization. They can work in various industries such as business, criminal justice, medicine, and finance. Enroll in our Data Science Training Course in Chennai to become a skillful expert.

  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • They are professionals to focus on researching, developing, and designing IT and AI possibilities for improving predictive models. They should have advanced mathematical knowledge and data analytical skills for better career enhancement. Accelerate your career through our Data Science Course in Chennai with 100% Placement Assistance.

Why Datascience Course in Chennai?

SLA offers dedicated training course for data science certification course. Placement assistance is one of its forte. We ascertain that the aspiring candidates gain the needed experience and competence coupled with thorough subject knowledge. Data Science Training Course in Chennai consists of the best industry experts who train the students to be highly competent.

The aspiring candidate who is a working professional and who is on the lookout for flexible timings can reach our student center for the purpose of corporate training or personalized online training. Practical training is one of the specialties of our teaching. The course materials are adequate and the students are well prepared for the interviews. Besides technical skills, soft skills are also concentrated. Both beginners and experienced professionals can gain from the in-depth training offered by SLA. Data Science Course in Chennai has a positive impact on the knowledge of the student.

Processes and systems form the core of data science. Being an interdisciplinary field, data science’s vastness lies in encompassing several theories and concepts. It Relies on information science, statistics, mathematics, computer science etc.

There is development of a great deal of data, and several aspects of data science are gaining lot of significance especially big data. SLA Data Science Courses in Chennai understand the importance of data science and provides comprehensive training to the aspiring candidate.

When we trace the history of data science, it has turned out to be an essential part of several industries including agriculture, fraud detection, and even public policy. Data science uses an amalgamation of statistics, predictive modeling and machine learning and takes care of several issues in both individual sectors and the economy.

We understands that data science is a complex field and hence tries to impart the pertinent knowledge to the student in a profound manner. The increasing need for better information has transformed the conventional landscape of data science. Machine learning algorithms are also turning out to be the most sought after things by data scientists. Data science and big data are extremely essential areas that are turning out to be very critical.

Nowadays the world is collecting data in a speed as never seen before. Moreover, the varied nature and the number of data are growing at an astonishing rate.

Significance of data science training in Chennai

Are you confused as to which course to take in this current scenario? Well, if data science is also one of your preferences, you have made a wise decision. It is not without a reason that data science has been called the hottest job in the 21st century. Enroll in the best data science training in Chennai and join the elite group of data scientists!

A bit of knowledge about the importance of data science will go a long way in refining your skills. There is no denying that the world is driven by data. Now let’s break a common misconception. As hyped about, data science is not a new field; it has been there for quite some decades; just that it is becoming more in use now. And with the surge in digitalization, the sheer number of global data is expanding like never. Data-driven insights have a great say in the actions of an organization; they depend on it for taking their business to the next level and perform daily tasks.

Extracting meaningful insights from huge sets of data is the need of the hour for organizations. There is lot of unstructured data nowadays, and the challenge is to make them as data that makes sense. This will help the organizations to have precise understanding of all their organizational details. And now you would understand how crucial the role of a data scientist is. To be precise, the data scientist will utilize the data science tools to analyze all the data and bring about meaningful insights that will assist organizations in making sound decisions.

Study data science from SLA Institute and never settle for less. Don’t regret later that your higher aims didn’t fructify just because you were confused. If data science is already in your mind, call us today for speaking with our career counselors and get the needed guidance in taking up this coveted course. Data scientists are a boon to any organization wishing to gain from big data, and the best data science course in Chennai is very well aware of that!

Data science helps organizations to reduce the uncertainty of predictions. Industry experts are saying that it grows rapidly with tools and technologies to help to solve real-world problems. It creates tremendous opportunities for certified professionals with various career options. The significance of Data Science Training in Chennai depends on the massive digitization of platforms and services used by people around the globe. Following are proving that data science is inevitable in today’s life.

  • Data needs to be read and analyzed carefully
  • Data helps in creating a better customer experience
  • Data will be used across the world
  • Industries are adapting the leverage benefits of data science

Career Opportunities of Data Science

This is a data-dependent world;organizations are applying the insights that data scientists give to shine in the crowd. You may question why data scientist is one of the most demanding position nowadays. To put it in a nutshell, there has been a huge burst in both the data produced and retained by organizations. We prefer to form something with a stack of data. Data scientists are those who make sense out of the huge set of data and make out what can be performed with it.

It is turning out vivid now that there is huge value in data processing and evaluation. Here comes the role of the data scientist. Data scientists are involved in the major role of enhancing business outcomes dependent on initial evaluation.

Why SLA for Data Science Training in Chennai?

This is a data-dependent world organizations are applying the insights that data scientists give to shine in the crowd. You may question why data scientist is one of the most demanding position nowadays. To put it in a nutshell, there has been a huge burst in both the data produced and retained by organizations. We prefer to form something with a stack of data. Data scientists are those who make sense out of the huge set of data and make out what can be performed with it.

It is turning out vivid now that there is huge value in data processing and evaluation. Here comes the role of the data scientist. Data scientists are involved in the major role of enhancing business outcomes dependent on initial evaluation.

Data Science roles are top-scoring and high-demand as per the report of Businesses across the world are focusing on data-driven solutions that lead professionals to be hired easily by the top companies. Our Data Science Training in Chennai creates ample career scope for performing in various roles with the full potential of data science skills.

  • Great career options with a rewarding and promising career
  • Data Science has numerous branches to explore
  • High salary possibilities with lots of perks.
  • Decision-Making is an important aspect of companies.
  • Less competitive as it is analytical roles.

Enroll at SLA for learning the Best Data Science Training Course in Chennai. The students can enjoy free placement assistance by enrolling for the course that includes aptitude skill development, soft skill development, communication skill development, and collaboration skill development. We arrange your interviews until you get placed in your desired profile. Explore the wide range of opportunities by registering for a free demo class for our Data Science Course in Chennai.

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