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15 Tips About Java Training In Chennai From Industry Experts

Published On: October 12, 2022

Java Training in Chennai

Since its inception, Java has been among the most popular programming languages. Java is still relevant and is quickly catching up with the trends in the current era of rapid innovations, while many programming languages that once had a significant market presence are dead and gone. Enroll in the best software training institute in Chennai to learn trending IT technology.

Java was the top-ranked programming language for new applications including big data, DevOps, AI, VR, mobile, and microservices development, according to figures given by Oracle. Join the best software training institute in Chennai to learn Java programming

This is the reason why novice developers frequently prefer to learn Java. Java, the time-tested programming language, appears to be the most suitable option for beginning the work. Due to intense competition, your work must satisfy a particular quality in order to stand out from the hundreds of other Java developers around you. You may do this by adhering to basic Java coding best practices. Enroll in the Java training institute in Chennai to get pro tips from industry experts on Java operations.

Overview of Java Best Practices

It may seem that a functional, error-free code would be sufficient, but this is incorrect. A code must be written in conformance with a set of guidelines and coding standards. The quality of your code can be significantly improved by using the java coding tips, making it far more versatile, scalable, and maintainable for both you and other people. Some Java best practices can actually speed up the execution of code, increasing its efficiency. Learn Java course in Chennai from trained professionals

The top 15 Java best practices suggested by industry experts are listed here, which you should start implementing to raise your code standards.

1.Utilize appropriate naming conventions.

Set a good naming convention for your Java project before you begin writing any code. Name all classes, methods, interfaces, variables, etc. in advance. If you are working on the same project with other developers, they ought to do the same to keep things uniform. A logical naming system is crucial since everything in the code, from classes to interfaces, can be recognized by their names.

Use relevant and descriptive names instead of assigning arbitrary names to satisfy the compiler. This will make the code legible and easier for you, your colleagues, quality control engineers, and staff members who will be handling project maintenance to understand. Join the Java training in Chennai to learn the best Java practices.

2.For extended numeric literals, use underscores.

This feature, which was added in Java 7, makes it much easier to write large numeric literals in a form that is much more understandable. In order to avoid writing in the conventional and outdated manner,

int num = 96559047;

The lengthy number can be assigned as:

int num = 96_55_9047

By adopting one of these java best practices, you can create understandable, well-organized, and original code.

3. Don’t ever abandon Catch Blocks.

Elite developers follow the java best practice of including a suitable and informative message in the catch block while managing exceptions. Since they are the only ones that work on the code at first, new developers frequently leave the catch block empty. However, if this happens, the software will not display any information when an exception occurs, making debugging more difficult and time-consuming.

4.Access to Class Members must be done in private.

Keeping class fields as unavailable as feasible is regarded as a best practice for Java. To safeguard the fields is done. A private access modifier is the best option to accomplish that. To sustain the encapsulation, one of the core OOP ideas, this method is advised. Although it is a very fundamental idea in object-oriented programming, many novice programmers are aware of it but choose to leave classes’ access modifiers set to the public out of convenience.

Consider the following class, where the public fields are :

public class Professor


public String Title;

public String Course;


The encapsulation is made here as any individual could modify the values as shown below,

Professor P01 = new Professor();

Professor.Title = “Associate Professor”;

Professor.Course = “ Data Science”;

With the exception of setter methods, fields are kept hidden when the private access modifier is used with class members. Join the java course in Chennai for your prospective career.

5.Do not repeat initializations

Although it is a frequent practice, initializing member variables with the values 0, false, and null is not recommended. In Java, these values are already the member variables’ default initialization values. Consequently, it is recommended against initializing member variables directly and to be mindful of their default initialization settings.

6.Utilizing enhanced for loops rather than for loops with counter

In most circumstances, it won’t matter which one you use, but occasionally, the counter variable could be highly prone to mistakes. The code may be disturbed at various stages if the counter variable is accidentally changed, used later in the program, or the index is started at 1 rather than 0. Using an improved for loop can help to get rid of this. To be unique in your performance, enroll in the training-oriented Java training in Chennai.

7.Treating Null Pointer Exceptions correctly

In Java, Null Pointer Exceptions occur frequently. When a method invocation is attempted on a reference to a null object, this error occurs. For instance, have a look at the line of code below.

 int noOfVisitors = museum.listVisitors().count;

This line is error-free, but the code will raise a null pointer exception if either the object “museum” or method “listVisitors()” is Null. Null pointer exceptions are unavoidable, but there are some best practices for java programmers to adhere to for better handling. Prior to execution, it’s crucial to check for Nulls so that they may be removed and your code can be changed to properly handle them.

The right version of the code is given below

private int getListOfVisitors(File[] files) {

if (files == null)

throw new NullPointerException(“File list cannot be null”);

To emerge as a successful Java developer, join the Java course in Chennai.

8.When concatenating strings, use StringBuilder or StringBuffer.

In Java and many other programming languages, the “+” operator is frequently used to link together several Strings.

Although this is a standard procedure and is not incorrect, the “+” operator is ineffective when you wish to concatenate multiple strings since the Java compiler creates numerous intermediary Text objects before constructing the final concatenated string.

In that situation, using “StringBuilder” or “StringBuffer” is the Java best practice. These established functions change a String without making any additional String objects, conserving both memory and time. Become exceptionally strong in Java by enrolling in the java training in Chennai.

9.Employing single and double quotes

Although single quotes are used for characters and double quotes are used to represent strings, there are several unusual situations in which things can go awry. Java’s best practice recommends using double quotes for the characters that are about to be concatenated when it’s necessary to combine characters to create a string. If you use double quotations, the characters will be handled as a basic string and there won’t be any problems, but if you use single quotes, widening primitive conversion will take into account the integer values of the characters.

the first public class classX.

public class classX {

public static void main(String args[]) {

System.out.print(“X” + “Y”);

System.out.print(‘A’ + ‘B’);



XY is good, but because A and B are enclosed in single quotes, their ASCII values are taken and combined together by the “+” operator, resulting in XY135 on the screen where the output should be XYAB. Java training in Chennai is offered by real-time industrial experts and hence you can obtain exclusive tips about Java operation from them.

10.Which is better : to float or to double?

Inexperienced programmers frequently cannot tell the difference between Double and Float; although they are familiar with the fundamentals, they frequently make the same decision in every situation.
Java best practices recommend using float and double as needed. Best practices enhance your code’s performance while also making it easier to read and understand. It is excellent practice to use double when precision is necessary because it offers far greater precision than Float. If precision is not as critical to you, you can use float because it only takes up half the space of double. Join the Java training in Chennai and learn exceptionally about Java.

11.The Production of Unnecessary Objects

Object creation is one of the operations that use the most memory, which is why the best java practice is to avoid constructing any unneeded objects and to only create them when they are required.

12.The Appropriate Use of Commentary

Proper comments should be used to give overviews of your code and provide additional information that cannot be perceived from the code itself because your code will be read by a variety of people with diverse expertise in Java. The purpose of comments is to provide a concise explanation of how your code works, which may then be viewed by a quality assurance engineer, tester, or maintenance staff member who might not have sufficient knowledge of Java. Join the Java course in Chennai to become a Pro in Java programming.

13.Avoiding the loss of memory

Because Java automatically manages memory, programmers do not have a great deal of control over how it is used in their applications while using Java. Memory leaks can be avoided by following some of the best practices for Java, which are utilized by leading developers. This is because memory leaks can lead to a considerable decrease in speed. You should always release database connections after your querying is complete, use the Finally block as often as is practical, and release instances that are stored in static tables. These are some of the best practices for java programming that you should adopt to reduce memory leaks. Learn Java course in Chennai to become a Java Expert.

14.Don’t return Null items; rather, return empty collections.

Because processing null elements require some additional effort, this is why. If a method is producing a collection that does not have any value, one of the best practices for writing code in Java is to return an empty collection rather than a collection containing elements that are null. It saves the time and effort that would have been required to test on the null element by skipping it. Achieve greater heights in the field of Java by enrolling in the Java training institute in Chennai.

15.Making productive use of strings

Java makes it relatively easy to handle strings, however, this feature needs to be handled effectively in order to avoid accessing too much memory. For illustration’s sake, if two Strings are appended together inside of a loop, a new String object will be generated for each iteration of the loop. If there are a substantial number of loops, this can result in a significant amount of wasted memory and will also slow down the speed of the program. Another example of this would be when instantiating a String Object; according to one of the Java best practices, you should avoid using constructors when instantiating objects and instead do the instantiation process directly. Using this method rather than constructor results in significant time savings. Learn a Java course in Chennai to get a greater understanding of Java and progress in your career.

In order to be successful in the workforce, Java developers need to have excellent technological skills. The following is a list of the most important technical skills that a Java developer has to have in order to do their job:

Java systems (including updates)

Java has implemented system updates around once every few years since the company’s founding around the year 2000. In more recent times, new versions have been released around every six months. The Java 8 iteration of the system should be sufficient for developers to have a working knowledge of the system, and they should familiarize themselves with the most recent updates.

Core Java skills

To be able to find work as a Java developer, you will need to be familiar with fundamental Java abilities such as the following:

Object-oriented programming, sometimes known as OOP, is a fundamental Java skill that allows programmers to connect objects in a way that improves the code’s safety and stability.

Design patterns are coding blueprints that assist in resolving issues that arise inside a software development module.

Classes that do not implement any concrete behavior are known as abstract classes. A Java interface is also utilized for sophisticated coding by the developers.
This Java process is referred to as serialization, and it is responsible for converting items into byte streams that are used to transmit objects between Java virtual machines. Join the Java training in Chennai.

Java EE components

The ability to assemble server-side applications making use of the technology of EE components such as Java Beans, Java Server Pages, and Servlets is a skill that must be mastered by developers.

Java build tools

Java build tools are used by developers to automate the process of creating apps from source code. In order to finish projects, they select the appropriate Java tool from among several options. The following are some examples of Java build tools used by developers:

Apache, Sonatype, Bazel, Gradle, CMake, Nexus

To explore Java from basic to advanced level, join the Java course in Chennai.

Java testing tools

Java developers are able to work their way through a variety of testing methods thanks to testing technologies such as TestNG and Selenium. A Java programmer has to have the ability to test their code through an independent database in order to run the application without making use of a web browser. Become a java professional by learning Java from the Java training institute in Chennai.

Web technologies

A developer should be familiar with how to communicate from one computer system to others using web technology by utilizing a markup language such as CSS, HTML, or JQuery.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technology

Processing vast volumes of data may be accomplished with either of these technologies, and a Java developer can use either of them. Learn advanced technologies along with Java in the best software training institute in Chennai.

Containers for application software

Application containers are tools that programmers use to run individual parts of a software application. These applications are capable of performing a wide range of tasks, such as logging into a database and validating a user. JBoss or Jetty is the two application containers that are most commonly used by industry professionals.

Big data

Java is the programming language that is used by developers to create stacks for the enormous amounts of data that are kept on cloud-based services. Developers with a background in Java should be conversant with the big data platforms Spark and Hadoop. Learn Big Data from the best software training institute in Chennai.

Java Virtual Machine

Java programmers make use of this abstract machine in order to establish a runtime environment, as well as load and execute code, and verify it. Becoming a java professional is possible with the structured instructor-led Java training in Chennai.

DevOps tools

The use of crucial DevOps procedures such as continuous integration and deployment is recommended for Java developers. The following DevOps tools are also essential for software professionals who want to move their careers forward:

Jenkins, Chef, Kubernetes, Docker, Maven


This code version control is used by Java developers to monitor and keep track of changes to their work, which may include coding scripts, data, or comments. Enroll in the Java training institute in Chennai for a better career platform.

SOLID concepts

The term SOLID refers to the concepts of object-oriented programming that are intended to increase quality and reduce the amount of maintenance required. The acronym SOLID can be deconstructed into the following principles:

Single responsibility is all that should be required of a class when it comes to the operation of a piece of software. Programmers should take this approach to avoid creating interrelated difficulties inside their code.

Open-closed: Functions, classes, and modules should keep their doors open for additions and alterations, but they should be closed to new additions.

Interface Segregation: In order to prevent a programming design from containing unnecessary interfaces, developers should construct interfaces that are unique to a single client.

Liskov This principle instructs programmers that related subclasses should substitute for the corresponding superclasses whenever possible.

Dependent Inversion is a programming technique that, when applied, instructs Java programmers to create dependency objects in the form of abstractions rather than concrete entities. Another important aspect of this principle is the prohibition against making high-level modules dependent on lower-level modules.

The foundation of spring

The Spring framework is a method for developing Java applications, and the fact that it simplifies the development process and provides improved capabilities for object injection makes it a popular choice among developers. This is the framework of choice for Java programmers of all experience levels. Learning a Java course in Chennai makes you exceptionally strong in Java concepts.


Kotlin is a modernized version of the Java programming language that is frequently used by Java developers when developing Android applications for mobile devices. Because Kotlin is rapidly becoming a standard in the industry, it is beneficial for software developers to have a working knowledge of this programming language.

Blockchain technology

This technology assists developers in the creation of systems that have increased security to prevent a breach from the outside. A blockchain is a public ledger that records all of the digital transactions that take place on a computer network. Build additional programming skills by enrolling in the best software training institute in Chennai.

More advanced frameworks for JavaScript

For front-end development, Java programmers should have a working knowledge of advanced frameworks such as React and Vue. Java training institute in Chennai is the right destination for all your needs of becoming a Java expert. Enroll now.

Even if they operate in a highly technical environment, Java developers still need to practice qualities that pertain to personally cultivated disciplines in order to be successful in their jobs. The following are some of the most important soft skills that Java developers need to use when they are at work: the ability to collaborate with others, flexibility, timekeeping, communication, innovation, problem-solving, and paying attention to detail.

Developing your abilities as a Java developer and how to improve them

Take into consideration the following suggestions by industry experts to assist you in improving your Java development abilities:

Keep training

Because Java coding systems are updated around once every six months, it is essential to educate yourself on any significant adjustments and changes that have been made to programming standards. Either by independent research and study or by enrolling in online classes that offer professional development specifically for Java developers, you will be able to accomplish this goal. It is now much simpler for developers to keep up with the latest Java developments thanks to online classes and professional blogs.

Obtain your credentials.

Increasing your credentials in the eyes of potential and existing employers can be accomplished by earning certifications in Java systems and assistive technology. Oracle is in charge of the certification process for Java, which consists of many tiers of expertise. Additionally, certifications in programs that are supplementary to Java systems can be earned by candidates. Join the Java training institute in Chennai and obtain your Java certification, which adds more value to your profile.

Java is a great programming language, and if you want to be one of the greatest Java developers out there, familiarizing yourself with these coding best practices for Java will be an important step in the right direction. You will eventually be able to produce code that runs more efficiently, is easier to read, and is composed more effectively, all of which are characteristics of a top software engineer.

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